Technocrats as deputy ministers in "important" ministries


Government sources say that three ministerial positions and several for deputy ministers will be filled by those appointed as senators.

Three More Ministers Will Be Appointed to the Cabinet, and More Deputy Ministers

PETALING JAYA: The Technocrats Are Considered According to the Government, the Prime Minister has to fill vacancies in the government

minister and several deputy ministers to fill, probably by politicians appointed to the Senate

. will come fairly from all parties, although there will also be technocrats because they are needed to strengthen some departments, "said the source.

Another source said that most of the posts Remnants of the Cabinet would be occupied by PPBM and Amanah.FMT was informed yesterday that DAP strategist Liew Chin Tong was likely to be appointed Deputy Defense Minister.Liew refused to confirm or deny when? he was asked if he had been informed of his appointment as MP for Mohamad Sabu, Minister of Defense.

Deputy Ministers have not yet been appointed to the Defense, the 39, Economics, Housing and Foreign Affairs, Business Portfolios

Bernama reported today that Amanah's president, Mohamad Sabu, had confirmed having submitted a list of "to least five "party people for consideration as senators. They included leaders Amanah from Kelantan and Terengganu.

"We have proposed several names and it is now up to Tun Dr. Mahathir to choose, but we do not know when will he make his decision," he told reporters at an event in Terengganu. , adding that other parties had also submitted names to the Senate. Liew has updated Mindef's post to update the non-Malay military profile

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