Niger will continue to welcome African migrants


NIAMEY : Niger will continue to be a transit country for migrants, including those from neighboring Libya, said Saturday President Mahamadou Issoufou. We will welcome people in difficulty, in disorder, it is the tradition of our country, "said President Issoufou after meeting with a UN delegation led by Deputy Secretary General Amina Mohamed. do not stay long in Niger, it is necessary that the transit in Niger is done very quickly … it is the only condition that we pose, "Issoufou told reporters.

Libya has become a destination of choice for African migrants. reach Europe, but it is also dangerous, with many migrants and refugees enduring slavery, kidnapping, extortion and violence.

Issoufou hailed "the good collaboration" with the European Union in the fight against illegal migration, the fund of one billion euros set up by the EU for its country is "insufficient".

"It's a drop of water in our financing needs," he said.

Issoufou also noted the "good collaboration" of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which transports refugees stranded in Libya to Niamey pending the arrival of a host country [19659002AccordingtoUNHCRtheyare"vulnerable"refugeesandlivemainlyinLibyan"detention"camps

At the end of June, UNHCR called on European countries to speed up the departure procedures of transit countries for the refugees they decided to host

"These people must leave Niger" for do not "stay" too long, "he added, adding that only 200 people had left the country in the last six months, compared to 1,200 arriving from Libya – AFP

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