Malaysian Muslim fined for marrying 11-year-old Thai girl


A sharia court in the state of Kelantan in Malaysia fined 1,800 ringgit to 446 people after pleading guilty to two charges related to its recent Islamic marriage in Thailand with a Thai teenager. years.

The 41-year-old man was accused of celebrating a marriage and polygamy without obtaining court permission under the Kelantan Islamic Family Law No. 6 of 2002, reported Harian Metro Daily. The charges are punishable by fines of up to RM1,000 each, or two months in prison.

The news of marriage in Narathiwat, a border province in southern Thailand with a Muslim majority, angered people in both countries.

In Thailand, a government official said that he could not do much to cancel the marriage because the couple had married under Islamic law with a local imam.

"We can not intervene immediately, applied in the southern provinces, allows this marriage with parental consent, but not Thai law," Kotrimah Hajiahrun, an official of the Ministry of Social Development and Human Rights, told BenarNews. human security.

and the youth, the Southern Border Province Administration Center and representatives of the Narathiwat Islamic Committee met last week to discuss the case, said Kotrimah

. "We met with the parties involved to see how we can intervene or help this family, we need to clarify things, and at this point we do not know exactly what we can do," Kotrimah added.

The Islamic committees of Narathiwat and other southern provinces of Thailand oversee Islamic jurisprudence, issue marriage and divorce certificates and other duties, but local mosque imams operate independently of committees, sources have indicated.

Safiri Jeha, chairman of the Islamic Committee in Narathiwat, said that the parents of the girls played an important role in allowing the wedding to go forward. 19659002] "Islamic law allows young people aged 15 and over to marry, but they can be younger with the consent of the parents.They can have a ceremony anywhere with and Imam," Safiri said. BenarNews. "In the case of the 11-year-old girl, who celebrated the wedding in Sungai Golok, they followed the Islamic and Islamic teachings adopted in Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and Satun."

On July 3, the provincial committee declared that the imam who had celebrated the marriage between the Malaysian man and an 11-year-old girl had not violated Islamic law, a- he said.

Consume Later: Groom [19659002] Malaysia has a separate civil legal system and Islamic (Sharia) legal system. Islamic law, in particular the Islamic Family Law (Federal Territory) Act of 1984, sets the legal age of marriage at 16 for girls and 18 for boys, providing for exceptions with court authorization. The civil law sets at 18 years the minimum age of marriage for boys and girls.

In addition to the issue of age, Islamic family law requires that a Malaysian spouse marry someone in another country to register the marriage within six months.

According to Islamic law, a man can have four wives as long as he can support each of his families.

The groom in question defended the marriage in an online video, claiming that it was under "nikah gantung". ", A Malay term meaning that a couple is married with the understanding that it will be consumed at a later date, in this case after the girl turns 16.

" She will be under the care of his parents. Until it reaches its majority, we will not be together, "he said in the video

The Malaysian media identified the man as being Che Abdul Karim Che Hamid

"Exploitation of Children" [19659002] The Thai Human Rights Commission challenged marriage.

"The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand # 39; man worried about the early marriage of a woman (under 18 years), deprivation of education and its development in adulthood. is incompatible with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Protection of Children, "said the Commission in a statement issued last week.

A Commissioner for Human Rights has called on the Thai government to amend the law. "Thailand should adopt a law banning child marriage in all cases. The minor marriage of the poor is a child exploitation by the adult husband. There are multiple violations of the rights of the child, "said Angkhana Neelapaijit to BenarNews

Under Thai civil law, a woman can marry at 20 without the consent of her parents. She can also get married at the age of 17 if she has her parents' approval, as well as at the age of 15 by a court order, according to legal experts .

Malaysian Reaction

The Marriage Case The 11-year-old Thai boy also led the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia to demand the separation of man and girl , saying that she had consulted a Sharia judge about this

Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, who holds According to the spokesman of the new Malaysian government, marriage has accelerated the need to act to increase the legal age of marriage at 18 years old.

The Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition that defeated the Barisan Nasional coalition in the May 9 general election included increasing the age for marriage in its party platform.

Wan Azizah said the change was necessary to protect children and avoid the problems of pedophilia, child exploitation and child pornography

Patt ani, Thailand, contributed to this report .

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