We can not continue to advocate child marriages, Malaysia | Opinion


JULY 11 – It looks like the man who was courting a friend of his 11-year-old daughter was fined 1,800 RM and her marriage was legally recognized.

Despite the indignation of Unicef, some lawmakers (but not all), it seems that in Malaysia, the only real crime that he committed was not to follow the proper procedure for her marriage.

Regarding the law, he now has a marriage certificate that makes his marriage legally recognized in Malaysia.

We are in 2018. Eleven years should not be allowed to marry, regardless of gender or race. Yet, instead of calling them, we have religious conservatives who said it was fine in the old days and our Deputy Prime Minister who says we have to be careful with cultural sensitivities.

A little over a hundred years ago, it was "acceptable" that the people of Negri Sembilan who married people sharing the same suku were crammed into studded barrels. Suggest that now you are stopped.

Yes, there are tribes, including Orang Asli, for whom child marriage was customary and accepted.

If I were to list the many "accepted practices" of the past, most would be unthinkable nowadays. For example, do not allow women to vote.

There is nothing to be gained from allowing children to marry – on the contrary, there is enough scientific foundation to say that children, boys, and girls will be harmed by getting married too soon

Marriage is more than a means of legal procreation. It is a contract that involves other responsibilities – financial and future.

An activist child once told me that Malaysia was not doing enough to protect its children – and unfortunately, things have progressed little.

We can not continue to use religion as an excuse to tolerate child marriage. Children should be in school, not in weddings. There is no compromise possible, no justification possible, no sense of sensitivity …

The right reaction to a 30 year old man saying that he started to woo a girl to seven years old and to marry at 11 years old. should be nothing less than disgust and indignation. If you do not feel it, then you are part of the problem.

There is no modern world where a girl who gets married at age 11 is acceptable. Even though the famous author claims that he will wait until the girl is 16 to sleep with her, there is no guarantee that he will keep that promise – oh, unless he's in jail, where he should be.

Stop bothering, politicians. Child marriage is bad. There is no black, no white, no gray area here.

There is nothing more to discuss, if it is to shout against the scary old men of NOT who tolerate child marriages and politicians until 39: they end up completely forbidding to get married if you are not yet an adult

Do not let children vote or drive, there is no reason to let them get married. It's really so simple.

* This is the personal opinion of the chronicler.

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