Jho Low, an alleged 1MDB brain, flees Macau for mainland China – ASEAN / East Asia


A fugitive Malaysian businessman at the center of a global corruption investigation that helped to bring down his country's prime minister fled Macau and is believed to be in mainland China.

Where was Low Taek Jho? Hong Kong for the world's richest casino hub while it faces an arrest warrant from Interpol –

But sources told Post that Low, 37, is now on the mainland,

The playboy businessman is accused of corruption, bribery and money laundering by law enforcement of several countries in the context of the financial scandal 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB)

[19659002] The Inspector General of Malaysian Police Tan Sri Mohamad Fuzi Harun said Wednesday that the authorities of Kuala Lumpur had received an e-mail from their Macau counterparts on July 9th telling them Low hat had left the gaming hub.

"The email did not specify when Low left Macau. It's hard to find him because we think he uses several passports, "he said.

However, a source of security in Macau stated in Post: "It is almost safe to say that Low is now on the mainland.In fact, it is probably the only one in the world. one of the reasons he came to Macao in the first place. "

Next month, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is expected to visit China in talks between the two countries. Interpol Macau, a subdivision of Interpol Beijing, had received "the request of the judicial police" the country concerned (Malaysia) "concerning Low, which the Post revealed there is a few days had left Hong Kong with his family and was hiding in Macau.

In a brief statement, the judicial police said Tuesday at the Macao news agency that they "were checking the content of the application".

The latest rebound in the scandal follows weeks of claims and counterclaims about the financial fugitive, his role in the 1MDB scandal and a He also triggered a war of words between the Macau authorities and their Malaysian counterparts, who accused casino city officials of making "deeply regrettable" public statements about their detention. The pursuit of Low, according to reports in the Malaysian media.

During the weekend, Post reported that Low had lived with his family and entourage in luxury apartments in Hong Kong. Pacific Place's upscale development

It is understood that the local police did not act on the basis of an outstanding Interpol red notice warrant for Low. According to international rules, the Hong Kong Police do not have to execute a red notification warrant if it does not receive a direct request from the country seeking to be the subject of this notice. Razak – who faces charges related to the 1MDB scandal – for failing to send notice for Low's arrest while the suspect was in Hong Kong despite Interpol's warrant .

After the businessman departed Hong Kong, the Inspector General of the Malaysian Police stated that Low – whose Malaysian passport was canceled but holds also a passport for the small island of St Kitts and Nevis. – The 1MDB scandal, the name of the Malaysian sovereign wealth fund, saw the financing of economic development projects allegedly used for other purposes, but the police could not extract it due to the absence of extradition agreement.

It has spawned multiple investigations around the world, including an extensive investigation in Switzerland of two former 1MDB officials and unknown persons suspected of bribing foreign public officials, as well as allegations of corruption. misconduct in the public service, money laundering and criminal mismanagement.

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