The brain behind looting of 1MDB fled, according to Malaysian authorities


The fugitive businessman Low Taek Jho, a suspect in the looting of the Malaysian state investment fund 1MDB, fled Macau to an unknown destination, said the police.

The Malaysian authorities have sued Low, known as Jho Low, since a new government has reopened the scandal investigations.

1MDB was set up by former leader Najib Razak but he accumulated billions of debts, and authorities in the United States, Switzerland and several other countries are investigating.

  Riza Aziz Riza Aziz, right, son-in-law of former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, arrives at the anti-corruption agency of Putrajaya (AP)

The head of the national police, Mohamad Fuzi Harun, said that the Macau authorities had informed him two days ago that Low had fled the territory, but had not said where he was going .

Malaysia canceled Low's passport, but Fuzi said Low could have several travel documents, which would make it more difficult to find. Interpol issued a notice of arrest for Low at the request of Malaysia, and the police chief said he hoped to soon hear about Low's whereabouts.

US prosecutors allege that Low was a central figure in the looting and laundering of at least $ 4.5 billion (£ 3.4 billion) of the fund. A friend of Najib's son-in-law, Riza Aziz, Low had no official role at the 1MDB but had considerable influence over his relations and was often in contact with Najib, according to the US Department of Justice.

The Swiss Attorney General Michael Lauber said the scandal could lead to fraud estimated at seven billion dollars (5.8 billion pounds sterling), much more than the US figure.

  The former Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister The former Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, in the center, addresses the media outside the country. Putrajaya Anti-Corruption Agency (AP)

A statement issued by his office after Mr. Lauber's meeting in Kuala Lumpur with his Malaysian counterpart Tommy Thomas indicated that Switzerland had instituted proceedings against six people, not counting Najib, and two private banks.

Najib was charged last week with abuse of trust and abuse of power, making him one of the few leaders in Southeast Asia to be prosecuted after to have lost his functions.

Anger over the 1MDB saga contributed to the surprise defeat of Najib's ruling coalition in the May 9 elections, ushering in Malaysia's first change of power since its independence from Britain in 1957.

Najib denies any wrongdoing and accuses the new government of pursuing a blood feud against him. The police also seized jewels and valuables worth more than RMB 1.1 billion (£ 205 million) from properties related to Najib.

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