France in Bangladesh on July 14


In a national day, Bastille Day, message, she cited Bangladesh-France cooperation in particular the successful launch of Bangladesh's first communication satellite "Bangabandhu-I", built by the French company Thales Alenia Space.

"We will soon be witnessing the launch of other quality projects, particularly in the field of water treatment (Dacca WASA and Suez-Veolia) and energy".

"We are convinced that we can do much more together: to work for peace and stability in international fora and in our respective regions, to ensure sustainable development for all;" and, as we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, consolidate democracy and defend the human rights of all women and men in the world. France celebrates its national holiday in commemoration of the assault on the Bastille in Paris on July 14, 1789.

It remains the powerful symbol of the French revolutionary. struggle for the emancipation of an absolute then monarchy, followed a few weeks later by the historic proclamation of the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen", opening the long and arduous path to the Establishment of democracy and the rule of law.

The ambassador said that Bangladesh and France have fostered "warm and friendly relations since the early days of the struggle for independence led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1971. The support provided."

"Since then, through high-level exchanges and political visits, our two countries have developed a fruitful dialogue on many issues of common interest."

The recent visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in Paris and said President Emmanuel Macron expressed "gratitude and warm appreciation" for the generous reception of some 800,000 Rohingya refugees forced to flee Myanmar since August

"He confirmed our active support to the United Nations . Security Council and Human Rights Council, to stop the violence and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The two leaders also exchanged views on sustainable development and in particular on the fight against climate change. the Paris agreement signed in 2015.

"Sustainable development is indeed at the heart of our official development assistance, operated by the French Development Agency, which aims, among other things, to ensure the sustainable development of the economy. access to drinking water, facilitate sustainable urban transport, expand access to energy and improve its efficiency, "said the ambassador,

" In terms of cooperation Scientific and technical, We have also focused our efforts on environmental issues, such as oceanography, hydrology and renewable energy. "

" Our President also marked his appreciation for sustained economic growth in Bangladesh over the last 10 years.France also contributes to Bangladesh's economic development through the intermediary of its private sector enterprises, providing sustainable and high technologies. quality ", she said

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