Analyst: Umno solo can win Sg Kandis with a Malay vote | Malaysia


  Umno has a strong chance of winning the partial election of Sg Kandis under his own logo if he runs into Pakatan Harapan (PH) in a fight, an analyst said. - Photo by Yusof Mat Isa
Umno is likely to win the partial election of Sg Kandis under his own logo if he clashes with Pakatan Harapan (PH) in a direct fight, according to one analyst. Umno is likely to win the partial election of Sg Kandis under his own logo if he clashes with Pakatan Harapan (PH) in a direct fight, an analyst said.

Geopolitical expert Azmi Hassan said that the results of the 14th general election (GE14) showed that the Malaysian party still resonated with many Malays, who constitute the majority of voters in the constituency. State of Selangor. At the last election results, the Malays are still with Umno and NOT. The decision to adopt the Umno logo is a good strategy since the composition is made up 70% of Malaysian.

"But the problem is that it has to act from Umno or from PAS, it can not be both of them, it will not help them for anything but what has happened. passed in the last GE, which ultimately favored Pakatan Harapan, "he told Malay Mail

He said that the strategy of using the Umno logo -The fight against the Islamist party NOT that divides Malaysian voters

GE14 had a quarrel between PKR, Umno, PAS and the Rakyat Malaysia Party, with PKR winning the seat with 23,998 votes.

second with 11,518 votes, while NOT trailed behind with 7,573 votes.

The seat is now vacant following the death of his deputy Mat Shuhaimi Shafiei of Lymphatic Cancer on July 2nd.

Azmi said that the partial election of Sg Kandis a good litmus test for Umno to find out if they are able to run solo and if people have faith in the new Umno leadership .

"In this by-election, it makes no sense to use the Barisan Nasional (BN) symbol because Umno needs to try new things." Previous polls have shown that the Contribution of the MIC and MCA was negligible to help the NL itself The BN is as good as it is gone

"The results of the partial election of Sg Kandis will be decisive. If the result is positive, it may be a good time for Umno to break with the coalition itself, "he added.

He adds that Umno will likely be playing with privilege issues. Bumiputera slowing down under the administration of PH.

"Now the Malays are a little worried and they may feel that their special privilege has eroded slowly. So one question that they can probably play to win votes in Sg Kandis is that, "he said.

Universiti Sains Malaysia analyst Prof Dr Sivamurugan Pandian, however, felt that the opposite. [19659005] He said that it would be better for Umno not to attend the partial election of Sg Kandis and focus on the party's healing after his monumental loss in GE14

"Better for them to s & d. Sit on this by-election as they did with the 2014 Bukit Gelugor and 2015 Chempaka by-elections after the death of Karpal Singh and Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Mat Nik respectively.

"It's only a month or so after GE14 so people still remember the results.The new Umno team has also just been formed under a new direction, so they should try to

"Even better, focus on their role as first opposition to the next parliamentary session" Sivamurugan commented that although the decision to use the banner of a party at a by-election is not alien to the local political scene, it is a new concept for BN and it can create a gap between the other parties.

" The solo race may be new for BN but not for Malaysia, as we have already seen before. For Umno, however, it would be wise to reach consensus from other members of BN's Supreme Council or party leaders before making such a decision, "he said.

On Wednesday, the vice president of Umno, Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan for the party to test the waters as an opposition party contesting under his own logo in the by-election

MIC President, Datuk Seri Dr. S. Subramaniam responded by saying that Omno should be ready to try to win Malaysian voters in Sg Kandis alone.

Retired political science professor Aruna Gopinath, on the other hand, said that every party has a fair chance in Sg Kandis, no matter if it will be a straight or multi-stuck fight as long as they face the "perfect" candidate.

"In more rural areas, voters are more concerned with localized problems that from the whole scenario I would say that victory depends on the candidate.

"If voters have the impression that candidate A, for example, can do a good job and help them solve their daily problems, they will vote for him, She said that the decision of Umno to challenge regardless of BN shows that the party is now confident that they have a better chance of gaining public trust if they are no longer affiliated with the coalition.

what all this tells me. If this is true, it would mean that BN has completely failed.

"Individual parties should then ask themselves if they would still want to stay as a consolidated group or separate completely," she said.

The Sungai Kandis by The selection will take place on August 4th and the day of nomination is July 21st.

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