Search for weak Jho in China proved unsuccessful, Beijing says


HONG KONG: Beijing has investigated many recent denunciations of Malaysia as its fugitive Low Taek Jho In 1965, Low, 37, is accused of corruption, bribes and money laundering by law enforcement officials in several countries in connection with the development of 1Malaysia. Financial scandal Berhad (1MDB).

The United States Department of Justice has stated that $ 4.5 billion has been diverted from 1MB by senior fund officials and their associates.

a search of a hotel on the mainland, and the tracking of a phone number provided by Kuala Lumpur, said a senior official familiar with the case.

Despite China's formidable surveillance system, Chinese police found no clue popul Jho Low, during a search of the hotel that lasted more than 10 days, has included the guest list and video clips, depending on the source.

Beijing received another message from Kuala Lumpur: a phone number allegedly used by Low – that the Chinese authorities found to actually belong to a peasant in northern China.

"It's definitely not in mainland China," said the source to the South China Morning Post on Wednesday.

Another source said Beijing had acted promptly following multiple requests. on the part of Malaysia to search Low, 19659005] "Usually these searches were based on specific denunciations, and China was prompt to deal with each of them," said the person, who requested He received a tip from Kuala Lumpur saying Low thought he was meeting a friend or family member at a Hong Kong hotel at a specific time, and a search by the city police found that Such a meeting had not occurred

.Low had lived in Hong Kong for at least five years when he had been accused of having played a role in the scandal of the 1MDB In an interview with the post office in 2015, Low denied he claims that he would happily cooperate with the Malaysian authorities

The same source added that Kuala Lumpur had made similar requests to other governments in the region, notably in Thailand. 19659005] Hong Kong police this week rejected a request from Singapore, made in April 2016, for assistance in arresting Low, without providing further details, according to The Straits Times in Singapore.

Singapore also received a red notice from Interpol to locate and temporarily halt, pending extradition, but not an international arrest warrant – issued against Low, saying that He is suspected of money laundering in the city.

Inspector General of Malaysian Police Mohamad Fuzi Harun announced Tuesday an official request had been filed with the Macao Police to help stop Low. But the Macau police issued a statement saying that the claim "is not consistent with the facts".

The Foreign Ministry of China did not respond to the South China Morning Post's investigation into the case


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