Macron rejoices in the glow of the World Cup, hoping to capture the feeling of well-being


PARIS: For a president who traveled the globe for a year announcing that "France is back" under his leadership, the victory of the World Cup could not be better for Emmanuel Macron whereas he faces increasing challenges

Croatia's 4-2 defeat in Moscow on Sunday by the young French team with Kylian Mbappe was celebrated in person by 40-year-old Macron, who jumped to every goal.

He even popped a "dab" in the locker room – a type of celebration imported from American football players and rappers – while the jubilant team savored its success afterwards.

Beyond the sporting triumph, he will also be acclaimed in the presidential palace to reinforce a story that Macron has promoted abroad since his election: of a young and dynamic France with a more global role. important.

"This victory will enhance the image of France for several years, and almost automatically." Pascal Boniface, director of the Institute for International and Strategic Relations, a French think tank, said at the conference. AFP: "It's about soft power and the international prestige of France.Football is now global.Before the Chinese would not have been bothered who won, but now they want to know "

Former President Jacques Chirac saw his number of votes rebound in 1998 when France won the World Cup, even though the aging Gaullist was not interested in football.


Macron's diplomatic objectives since taking power in May last year have shown France a key player in a world of more aggressive, this young centrist leader has traveled extensively to advance his project of refounding the European Union and take the lead in efforts to combat climate change

. lead the charge against rebirthing nationalism and isolationism, both on the continent and by its traditional ally the United States under Donald Trump.

Yet on issues ranging from Iran's break-in nuc Macron struggled to produce tangible results and his reform of the EU is also floundering.

Resistance to its will to reform French institutions and support economic growth sparked The Odoxa poll released on July 5 revealed that only 29% of respondents thought that Macron's policies were "fair ". While 75% declared it "dynamic", only 45% considered it "nice".


Making his first speech as president, Macron promised to make France feel better about itself and position itself on the world stage, which makes the performance of his young ethnically diverse football team a perfect gift.

"This victory will obviously have an amplifying effect on France," said Paul Dietschy, Before attending the Sunday final, Macron congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin for organizing a competition which happened without a hitch, after years of growing tensions between Moscow and the West.

"Sports are often only an excuse: Macron's trips to the semi-finals and especially to the finals, with victorious France, may have paved the way for another type of dialogue with Putin. "

The political dividends could continue to come with the country that will host the Rugby World Cup in 2023, followed by the Olympics the following year

"In the same way as the diplomacy of ping-pong in 1971 allowed China and the United States to re-establish links, we could see that facilitating France-Russia relations, "he said, referring to a visit by American ping pong players to China this year- there

. In the arms of each other, there is a welcome contrast with the tensions in many disadvantaged urban neighborhoods in France.

Many young people from the suburbs, often from immigrant families, have long complained about being treated "We want to hope that France, usually so quick to doubt itself and to reverse its divisions, can find the energy to go from the front, "writes the newspaper La Montagne in Clermont-Ferrand. , central Fra nce, written in an editorial

The question is also whether Macron can take advantage of his opportunity before the end of his five-year term.

"It's good for the country's morale, but what will count in 2022 is the unemployment rate, not the title of the second World Cup," Boniface said.

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