Can barely get rid of his defeat after yielding to the Brexit elite's tough | Policy


Theresa May has seen a Tory rebellion against the Communists, dissatisfied with having succumbed to the intransigent Brexiters by accepting their amendments to the Customs Bill.

The government majority was reduced to three votes on the two most controversial. amendments after the conservative leader remains Anna Soubry complained that the prime minister had lost control of the events by making concessions to the right-wing European research group of deputies.

The most important of the four ERG amendments, chaired by Jacob Rees -Mogg, was designed to thwart May's compromise proposals on customs arrangements agreed at Checkers and was initially countered by the government, until Downing Street makes a sudden U-turn in the afternoon.

were "in line with the Brexit White Paper", a decision that so angered Conservative MPs that they promised to vote against the amendments Monday night A minister delegate, Guto Bebb, resigned instead of supporting the amendment of the ERG customs union, which rose from 305 to 302. A total of 14 Conservative MPs voted against the government, while three Labor MPs and former Labor MPs Kelvin Hopkins voted in the other direction. A second ERG amendment, barring the United Kingdom from participating in the EU's VAT system after Brexit, has risen from 303 to 300.

A frustrated Soubry told the Commons: "The only reason the government has accepted these amendments is afraid of somewhere in the region of 40 members of parliament – the hard Brexiters, without any agreement, which should have been seen for a long time and should be seen far. "

She asked:" Who's in charge .. Is he the prime minister or is he the member for North East Somerset [Jacob Rees-Mogg] "? His colleague, Dominic Grieve, said about the amendments: "The only intention behind their filing was malevolent."

The May decision improves his chances of qualifying for the summer vacations without a leadership challenge . On Monday evening, it appeared that the number 10 had proposed to postpone the summer holidays to Thursday, in order to reduce the time available for Conservative MPs for a vote of confidence, even though the Labor Party and some Conservative MPs have indicated that they were considering voting.

A total of 48 deputies are required to write letters to the 1922 party opposition commission requesting a vote of confidence, which is normally held a few days after their call. May would need to win the support of more than half of the 316 party MPs to win it.

The critical amendment adopted by the government on Monday stated that HM Revenue & Customs could not charge duty or VAT on goods. on behalf of the European Union unless there is a reciprocal agreement. The Brexiters thought this would kill the customs plan because they expected Brussels to reject such a measure.

On Monday morning, Downing Street indicated that she was concerned about this amendment and its impact on customs. But there was a change of opinion after Mr. Rees-Mogg had talks with party leader Julian Smith.

No. 10 then argued that the EU had only excluded the collection of British tariffs and tariffs at its border, and that it would be necessary to have other systems reciprocal financial with the EU to pay off companies in case of differences Britain and the bloc of 27 countries

The GRE believes that the "simplified customs regime" of May, which would allow the United Kingdom to collect tariffs on certain imports, and provides for a "uniform regulation" for goods and agriculture. to conclude a future relationship with the EU27.

The remaining three ERG amendments, one of which would prohibit the establishment of a customs border at sea in Ireland, would harden what is already a government policy and would not be considered controversial number 10

. David Davis, the former secretary of Brexit, who made his first speech in the Commons since his resignation from the government a week ago, said he was not in agreement with Soubry, who supports the maintenance in the customs union of the EU. Speaking in favor of the UK having its own customs and trade arrangements, Davis said: "The European Union is a slow and not very efficient negotiator of free trade agreements, we do not stop 39, hear about their bargaining power, their size.In fact, the fact that they represent 28 different countries means that they produce suboptimal results all the time and that we are actually the country which comes out the least from the EU's free trade agreements. "

calling on the United Kingdom to remain in the EU's customs union, was withdrawn on Monday. It was not expected that it would be adopted because, even if it had the support of the Labor Party, the Scottish National Party and the Liberal Democrats, only two Conservative MPs, Anna Soubry and Ken Clarke, put their name there.

Earlier in the day, before the May Concession was made public, Scott Mann, MP for North Cornwall, became the last Conservative MP to resign from a junior government position relative to the previous year. Checkers agreement from backbenchers worried. Mann, a private parliamentary secretary to the Treasury, said in his letter of resignation: "Elements of the Brexit white paper will inevitably put me in direct conflict with the views expressed by a large part of my constituents."

Tory divisions open. Peter Dowd, the chief secretary of the Treasury Shadow, said: "It took the prime minister two years to reach his checkers agreement, but only two days to make sure that it was safe. Government collapses with its own MPs, not to mention the European Union. "

There are fears in Westminster that there is more to Brexit agreement – neither the Checkers plan, nor the David Davis trade agreement, nor a scenario without a deal – which could get the support of a majority of deputies.

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