Tory Europhiles ready to rebel against Theresa May in key vote on Brexit


Theresa May was fighting Tuesday to prevent her Brexit plan from collapsing, while conservative MEPs were preparing to vote with Labor for a move that could keep Britain in a customs union with the United States. ; EU.

Less than 24 hours after May yielded to eurosceptic conservative MPs by accepting four hostile amendments to the government's customs bill, conservative Europhile plotted their revenge on the prime minister.

Nicky Morgan and Stephen Hammond tabled an amendment to the government's customs union bill with the EU, if Ms. May failed to guarantee a "frictionless free-trade area for goods" from the EU. here on January 21, 2019.

MEPs estimate that at least a dozen Europhile conservatives are ready to support the amendment in a Commons House of Commons due on Tuesday, potentially enough to wipe out the hard-working majority Ms. May 13. Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn told his party to support the amendment.

As the markets have digested how Ms. May is at the center of a struggle between rival conservative factions that could derail her mild Brexit plan, which was beaten by the cabinet at Checkers, her country residence, this this month

that Britain will not remain in a customs union with the EU after the Brexit, arguing that this would prevent the UK from pursuing its own trade policy – viewed by Eurosceptics as the only way to do so. one of the main arguments in favor of the bloc's exit

on the UK's future relations with the EU, published last week, proposed a "simplified customs agreement" hybrid, according to which the Britain would actually stay in the customs territory of the EU while having the freedom to set its own tariffs.

Europhile Tories was ready to give Mrs May a respite to pursue her plan – even though she suspects that Brussels will reject it – but their attitude has hardened. The amendment of Mrs. Morgan and Mr. Hammond would provide what Labor's Chris Leslie called "a safety net" – guaranteeing that Britain would remain in a customs union with the EU if the negotiations of Ms May in Brussels failed to provide Ms May believes that if the amendment is approved by MEPs, it would mean that Brussels would have little incentive to negotiate with the UK on its Brexit plan, knowing that there was a legal safety net that would allow the UK to remain in a customs union with the EU

Heidi Allen, MP for Tory Europhile, said she hoped that Ms. May had "rejected the Amendments "to the Customs Bill tabled by the leading eurosceptic Conservative Jacob Rees-Mogg and other colleagues.

She told the BBC: "We were all placed [on the Remain side] to give up all our amendments and come back [Mrs May’s plan] then suddenly we had these rather extreme last minute maneuvers, which seem to deviate from the first

Dominic Grieve, another Conservative MEP, said that Ms. May, in accepting Mr. Rees-Mogg's amendments, put herself in a "position of considerable weakness." [19659002Thepoundplunged falling to nearly one percent against the dollar from its highest daily rate, and 0.6 percent against the euro

. Analysts said they mainly thought investors were frightened by May's possible defeat in the House of Commons.

Markets have seen in recent weeks that Westminster developments favored a sweeter Brexit x, who supported the pound, but there is growing concern that the government's problems with parliamentary arithmetic point to a dead end.

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