Najib's position as opposition MP is not a downgrade, says his daughter – Nation


PETALING JAYA: The former prime minister of Datuk Seri Najib Razak Tun, Nooryana Najwa, said that his father's new post as an opposition MP is a new experience and not a " degradation "

" Today will be the first history of the country that an ex-PM will sit in the opposition bloc, "Nooryana said on his Instagram page on Monday. July 16th.

"If in her place, some might find this new role" downgrade. "She said that as a member of the Opposition, her father was" always ready "to collectively solve problems, to share knowledge and share his know-how

Nooryana stated that his father will provide checks and balances in his new role.

"As a member of the Opposition responsible, he will continue to give it all for the well-being of all Malays to make sure no one is left behind, "she said Najib retained her seat in Beijing's Parliament and was legislated on Monday. [19659002] The former prime minister resigned as president of Barisan Nasional and president of Umno after coalition lost in the May 9 general election.

Meanwhile, Najib said Monday in a message on Facebook that he would continue to defend the people as a member of the Opposition.

"The opposition and I intend to stand up for the rakyat and demand that Pakatan Harapan (PH) honor his manifest promises as a promise is a promise," he said. said Najib.

"The rakyat should not be changed and simply accept all the excuses the PH government can make over the next five years," he said.

Najib stated that when he was prime minister and president of Barisan, they had planned their Barisan manifesto "very carefully," as he intended to keep every one of their promises

" Perhaps we were too cautious to promise only what we could deliver? [ad_2]
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