Numan Afifi: My own decision to leave after the Ministry outcry


A gay activist claims that he was under no pressure from Syed Saddiq, but did not want the Ministry of Youth and Sports agenda to be flouted by his presence.

The gay activist Numan Afifi says he's going abroad for a few weeks to visit friends

PETALING JAYA: Gay activist Numan Afifi explained that he had decided to leave the service of the Minister of Youth and Sports, Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman. The ministry insisted that he had left his post.

The decision to leave was his, he told the FMT shortly before leaving for the United Kingdom for a short break. month about his position as press secretary to Syed Saddiq, and politically aligned groups have made fuss about his sexuality and activism for the LGBT community (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) [19659004]. As a friend of Syed Saddiq, and looking at the biggest picture of the work done at the ministry, I decided to go there. He said that Saddiq was not at the office in the few days the problem boiled, about a week after Syed Saddiq took office.

"When he met me at the end on Wednesday, July 11, I think, Syed Saddiq said that he respected my decision to leave, he did not try to convince me to stay."

Numan did not want the heated public debate of the previous weekend to affect the work of the department. He would have left even when he was invited to stay. "I did not want their agenda to be derailed," he said.

The daily barrage of criticism and comment had a negative impact on his mental health. "You can imagine how anxious I had to be when I was out (like gay) that way."

Numan, 27, made headlines last year for organizing a pride-breaking event for the gay community. by the gay rights group Pelangi Campaign.

Numan stated that he and Syed Saddiq had not discussed his sexuality or his links with the LGBT community at the time. "Syed Saddiq is one who does not make his feelings known on all issues.He is hardworking and stressed for many things."

On July 9, after Numan said that he was resigning, Syed Saddiq had tweeted his thanks and said, "You will always be a brother", which was considered strange at the time. Numan said that he was not offended. "He calls everybody brother, so that does not bother me."

Syed Saddiq thanked him for his invaluable services "since our campaign days", which Numan said he was referring to the work he has done for Syed Saddiq in Muar. during the general election campaign.

"I did not help him for the job (press officer) .I helped him advance the youth program," said Numan. His experience in the field of youth empowerment extends over ten years.

He hoped that the ministry would pursue projects he was keenly interested in, such as Perdana Fellows (internships with ministers) and the Malaysian Youth Parliament.

said that he would be away for a few weeks. "I'm not leaving for good," he said. "I want to meet friends and NGOs like Amnesty International want to meet me. I will be back in a few weeks. Suhakam urges youth and sports ministry for LGBT issue

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