New alliance of Sarawak considered a bad idea


Analysts say the proposed coalition will not be a threat to the Sarawak Party or Pakatan Harapan of Gabungan.

Bernama Peak

PETALING JAYA: Two political analysts rejected a proposed opposition coalition in Sarawak as inconsequential for politics in the Jeniri Amir of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak and Awang Azman Pawi of 39, Universiti Malaya stated that they did not believe that such an alliance would pose a threat of any importance whatsoever to Pakatan Harapan (PH) or to the ruling Gabungan Party Sarawak Party (GPS).

They commented on a report on an idea proposed by Banyi Beriak, Party Secretary Tenaga Rakyat Sarawak (Teras). Banyi reportedly suggested that his party form a coalition with the United People's Party (UPP), the State Reform Party (STAR) and the Bansa Dayak Sarawak Baru Party (PBDSB).

Jeniri stated that it was unlikely that Teras and UPP would eventually join the smaller STAR and PBDSB. Even if that was the case, he added, the new coalition would not be able to challenge GPS or the PH in the next state elections.

"At most, it will divide PH votes." GPS can count on its basic support. "

He said the biggest threat to PH in Sarawak would be failure to honor his manifesto electoral, as its promise to increase the state oil royalty to 20%.

The GPS would be strengthened with all the promises that PH broke, he added.

He claimed that Sarawakians were already unhappy with what they saw as inadequate representation of their state in the federal cabinet. best chance of electoral success if they were to join Barisan Nasional (BN) or get him to agree to let them use his logo.

"I think the majority of rural voters feel strongly connected to the BN logo"

"I think the GPS will feel threatened if the parties of the proposed new coalition use BN's logo in the upcoming elections national, provided that they set up candidates that are popular and ar We consider it worthy to support GPS and PH candidates. "

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