Putin defends Trump against critics, says Summit was a success


President of MOSCOW

Vladimir Poutine

defended Thursday

Donald Trump

After harsh criticism at the end of their summit in Helsinki, the US president called for a second face-to-face meeting with his Russian counterpart

. Putin, in his first comments for a few days, hailed the Helsinki summit and said that it had led to "useful promises". A little over an hour later, Mr Trump tweeted that he wanted a follow-up meeting with Mr Putin. the issues he said they discussed, including terrorism, Israeli security, nuclear proliferation and cyberattacks.

The official details surrounding the Helsinki Summit, which included an individual meeting between the two leaders and did not end in a press release, are still murky.

Mr. Putin, in his speech to the ambassadors of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said that the two leaders spoke of the security of the Golan Heights. Without giving details, he also mentioned the need to renew the arms treaties, including the New Start Nuclear Weapons Reduction Treaty.

"It is important that a full meeting allows us to speak directly." Mr. Putin said:

In the days following the summit, the Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs of Russia said that they were ready to start or that they had already started working on agreements reached between the two leaders.

The Russian ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, addressing the Russian media, said earlier in the week that a number of verbal promises had been made between the two leaders.

Mr. Putin has used the speech to congratulate the summit and pour cold water on the assault of Mr. Trump's criticism of the Democrats and his own party for comments casting doubt on the accusation of the intelligence community that Russia is mingled with the 2016 presidential elections The Kremlin leader, who has repeatedly denied that Russia was involved in the 2016 presidential elections, said the agreements reached were more important than recent criticism and accused critics of M Trump to play politics

"We talked about ensuring security on the Golan Heights during the operation in Syria.But judging by everything, this really does not interest anyone."

He also spoke Russian and US nuclear arsenals, a reason Mr. Trump himself gave for holding the summit. Putin said work is needed on new arms control treaties, including the New Start Nuclear Reduction Treaty, which is due to expire in the coming years.

"If today, we do not start to continue, to extend, then it will end in a year and a half." We see that in the United States there are forces that are ready to sacrifice the US-Russian relationship, to sacrifice their own ambition, during the internal political struggle. He did not comment on Mr. Trump's subsequent comments saying that he had been misrepresented at the joint press conference where the two leaders were cordially side by side

. Write to Thomas Grove at [email protected]

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