Nurul Izzah asks Radiohead to play for Palestine


Nurul Izzah Anwar, vice president of PKR, sent a letter to the British rock band Radiohead asking them to perform for "Palestinian charitable causes".

In an undated letter, Nurul Izzah acknowledged Radiohead's unpopular decision to perform in Tel Aviv in July of last year, which may have been interpreted as a tacit endorsement of Israeli treatment of Palestinians.

However, she said that she believed that the gang was also sensitive to the human rights violations that the community suffered.

for Palestinian charitable causes, remind everyone of the universality of music and peace as a key unifying tool. "We hope you will consider this proposal not only for the purpose of performing for a cause worthy of interest, but also to give another reason to look forward to a year of many firsts for us", was She said in her letter

Nurul Izzah tweeted a copy of the letter last night, saying, "Dear @radiohead.If your inbox is full, please read this request from Malaysia – nothing like playing for a cause as significant as the lives of young Palestinian children. "

In her letter, she notes that as the removal of funding from the United Nations Relief Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), deprived nearly 300,000 children of educational opportunities

"Whatever the small steps we can Nurul Izzah, who is also fan of the rock band and had already played his songs, said in an interview of [20139005] Esquire announced that the opposition coalition would bring the band to Malaysia if it acceded to federal power.

Pakatan Harapan seized power after winning the 14th general election on May 9

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