Dr. M: Government needs time to repair damage to national machines – Nation


SHAH ALAM: The new government needs time to repair the damage done by the previous government, said Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

"We found that the damage done by the previous government is more than what we suspected … Billions were stolen and the machinery of the government was sabotaged, "

he said at a dinner on Sunday, July 22.

Dinner was organized by the Klang Chinese Clan Associations to raise funds for Tabung Harapan. "We have to remove some of the officers who are involved in maintaining the previous government because they have helped to damage the country," said Dr. Mahathir.

Dr. Mahathir reiterated that the government would restore the rule of law in the country and pledged to repeal and abolish the laws that repress the people.

He also thanked the Malaysians who donated to Tabung Harapan

to collect millions of ringgit. This is a small amount compared to the billion dollar debt. But it is the spirit that counts. These gifts testify to our dedication and willingness to make sacrifices because we love this country, "he said.

Dr. Mahathir thanked the organizers of the fundraising campaign for Tabuk Harapan. reached here. No one has forced you to come but you feel responsible for the country, "he said.

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