Japan registers its highest temperature EVER: Mercury hits 106F while a deadly heat wave kills 40 people


Japan recorded its highest temperature since records began with mercury hitting 106F (41.1C) in a deadly heat wave that has so far claimed more than 40 lives.

The record was broken in Kumagaya, a city in Saitama Prefecture, about 40 miles northwest of Tokyo, announced the Japanese Meteorological Agency

which broke the previous record of 105.8 F (41C) to Ekawasaki. Shikoku August 12, 2013.

Two persistent high pressure systems trapped warm, moist air over the region, resulting in record temperatures for nearly two weeks. More than 40 people have died in Japan since July 9 and about 10 in South Korea.

<img id = "i-2840fb919a4586d4" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1/2018/ Japan has recorded its highest temperature since mercury reached 106F (41) , 1 ° C) in a deadly heat wave 40 lives The record was broken in Kumagaya, a city in Saitama prefecture, about 40 miles northwest of Tokyo, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency Japan has recorded its highest temperature since mercury reached 41.1 ° C, a heat wave that has claimed more than 40 lives, the record was broken in Kumagaya, a city in the prefecture of Saitama, about 40 miles northwest of Tokyo, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency Japan has recorded its highest temperature since mercury reached 41 ° C. heat wave that has so far claimed more than 40 lives. The record was broken in Kumagaya, a town in Saitama prefecture, about 40 miles northwest of Tokyo, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency

  Two persistent high pressure systems have imprisoned Hot and humid air. two weeks. A woman lets herself go

  Two persistent high pressure systems trapped hot, humid air over the area, resulting in record temperatures for nearly two weeks. A woman lets herself go

Two persistent high pressure systems trapped warm, moist air over the region, bringing record temperatures for nearly two weeks. A woman who is enthusiastic

Thousands of people in Japan have been transported to hospitals with symptoms of heat stroke during the heat wave.

The Kyodo News agency reported more than 40 deaths. Many of the victims were elderly people who did not use air conditioning.

The temperature reached 102.2F (39C) on Monday in central Tokyo, the highest temperature this year. The worst of the heat wave is expected this week.

Authorities warned people to stay indoors and use air conditioning

"The weather recently in Japan looks like a sauna," said Yuriko Koike, governor of Tokyo. at a press conference on the 2020 summer Olympics, which will kick off in Tokyo in two years from Tuesday

She said the city was working to solve the heat problems for the fans and athletes

The Olympic events will start early in the morning.

Ms. Koike also cited traditional cooling methods in Japan, such as hanging straw screens and water spraying on road surfaces.

 Refreshing mist sprayers are used to cool commuters in Japan at temperatures above 40 ° C

  Refrigerant mist sprayers are used to cool commuters in Japan at temperatures above 40 ° C C

used to cool commuters in Japan as temperatures reach 40 ° C

  Thousands of people in Japan were transported to hospitals with heat stroke symptoms during the heat wave. People Cool in a Stream

  Thousands of people in Japan were transported to hospitals with heat stroke symptoms during the heat wave. People Cool in a Stream

Thousands of people in Japan were transported to hospitals with heat stroke symptoms during the heat wave. People Cool in a Stream

"But our traditional wisdom is not enough to fight the heat," she admitted, "then we will use advanced technology."

The 10 dead in South Korea have succumbed to heat stroke and other heat-related causes, including seven last week, according to the Korea Centers for Disease Prevention and Control

. He said:

The lowest level of South Korea was recorded in Gangneung City, where the temperature was 31C at 6:45. According to the South Korean Meteorological Agency, the morning in Seoul was 29.2 ° C, a record for the country's capital.

Mercury reached 39.9 ° C in the southeastern city of Hayang.

In North Korea, locals deployed on crowded carts or protected themselves from the sun with umbrellas, temperatures reaching 34 ° C in Pyongyang, the capital. According to the weather reports, even higher temperatures have been recorded on the east coast of the country.

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