From Facebook, the security manager declares that the social network must choose its partners


Facebook's chief of security, Alex Stamos, bluntly told company employees that the company had to choose sides when moral or humanitarian issues were at stake. strongly with the recent support of CEO Mark Zuckerberg at organizations like Infowars, that Facebook shares "conspiracy theories or false news".

Stamos made this statement in a memoir of March 23 that Buzzfeed got and published in full today. The note followed a story on March 19 in the New York Times reporting Stamos' apparent efforts within the firm to push more revelation of attempts at voter interference in the US and elsewhere. via Facebook by the governments of other countries. 19659002] While the memo begins with a reminder on some of the reports Times he does not dispute his scheduled departure date for August 2018. However, the most significant part presents his brief, frank and long list of "It would be very simple to believe that the results of the disputes between a handful of people have brought us to this point, but the truth is that we must all possess this," Stamos wrote. "The problem that society faces today is due to tens of thousands of small decisions made over the last decade as part of an incentive structure that was not based on our threat profile of 2018. While it was disconcerting to hear the anger and sadness in our colleagues' voices this week, I'm also delighted that our desire has become widespread to line us up in the new landscape.I saw this change in many settings last year, as they clearly recognized the emerging imperatives of prioritizing safety, security, integrity and trust with respect to all the rest, but no number of hands or business goals could "

This included his imprecation" to be ready to take sides when there are clear moral or humanitarian problems " », Which abstracts frequent attempts by the company to provide an artificial sense of neutrality. Facebook has attempted to superimpose limited factual checks on messages that may contain false or distorted information, and has discussed deleting the scope of less credible and non-credible news that does not turn into being actively harmful.

The Conservative Review posted on Facebook a video that appeared to host on its CRTV video network issues of Democratic congressional candidate New York, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but which included excerpts of news. a PBS shooting line interview interspersed with questions recorded separately from a CRTV host. On Facebook, the video was not tagged parody, and its nature was not explained – yet it garnered more than a million views in 24 hours.

Stamos said that Facebook needed to reward not to ship new features. Attempts made by others to attack the site when making decisions, and reduce the amount of information they collect and the shelf life of information about people. He also said that the company needs to listen to its employees and outsiders who "tell us that a feature is scary or point to a negative impact that we have in the world."

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