Azmin: NEP will not be abandoned in foo


This article originally appeared in The Financial Edge Daily, [25 juillet 2018]

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KUALA LUMPUR: The New Economic Policy (NEP) Does will not be completely abandoned but will be revised with the new economic model (NEM) to ensure that it is based on needs, not on the race.

The Minister of Economic Affairs, Datuk Seri Azmin Ali, said that the study of the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) on the NEP will be presented as part of the mid-term review – Eleventh Malaysian Plan (11MP) by the Government in November for the preparation of a five-year action plan

. In a two-pronged strategy, the mid-term review and the manifesto of Pakatan Harapan, he told reporters in the parliament lobby: "We hope to present some parts [of the study] in our mid-term review of the 11MP where we evaluate and evaluate past policy, but this time we will introduce new policies into our manifesto, "he said.

" Well, we will not fully replace the NEP. Our policies must be based on need, not race. The needs of Bumiputeras are guaranteed, but we must be fair to everyone, "he said.

" Planning is for NEP long-term, maybe five years, but when we talk about a plan sustainable economy, to be longer than that, as Vision 2020 of Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad [previously].

"However, our biggest challenge now is to restore investor confidence, which is crucial, and we need to support our foreign direct investment so that investors can come back and Malaysia become a destination for investment. we do not have confidence in the system? The NEP review, introduced in 1970 to eradicate poverty and reform social classes in order to eliminate economic imbalances, makes part of Pakatan's election promise to ensure a targeted and equitable distribution of wealth. [19659012] [ad_2]
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