China builds 350ft waterfall on the side of a skyscraper


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If you have always dreamed of visiting Angel Falls but that you thought the hike and the boat trip seemed like an effort, why not visit Guiyang in China?

You will see a waterfall built on the side of an office building. [19659006AboutthesamethingTheartificialfallshaveaheightof108metersandcascadedownintoatanklocatedatthebottomoftheskyscraper

It's called the Liebian building and its unusual architecture attracted a lot of attention

It is managed by Guizhou Ludiya Property Management Co. A spokesman, Mr. Cheng, told Kan Kan News that much of the water comes from the Tap water or recycled rainwater. Mr. Cheng said:

To run the water, the electricity bill for only one hour is 800 yuan (89 pounds), it has a four underground drainage and drainage system floors.

"That's why we do not turn on the waterfall every day – only for special festivities in the city," he said. When it works, it is only lit for 10 to 20 minutes at a time.


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