Latest News: WTO leader says trade war hurts global economy


WASHINGTON – The Trade Policy of President Donald Trump (All Local Times):

2:10 pm

The Head of the # 39: World Trade Organization Calls on Countries to Advocate for Free Trade and Warns of Broad Negative Consequences of Possible Trade War After Trump Tariffs Imposed on Key US Trading Partners .

Roberto Azevedo, WTO Director-General He said that he was refusing – as a policy – to point fingers, but was referring to "this dynamic of trade restraint" that could harm the company. The world economy if it continued.

He told reporters in Geneva: "We call" Silence, he says, is "as damaging as any action that leads to a trade war".

He also warned of the "worst case" of a world without trade rules, saying Wednesday that "the law of the jungle" would have devastating consequences for growth and growth.

He said that investors "will withdraw, the economy will lose ground and with time jobs will be lost – millions of jobs will be lost."

19659012] 13:55

The President of the Commission of the European Union, Jean-Claude Juncker (Zhahn-KLOHD & # 39; YUN & # 39; -kur) told President Donald Trump that the & # 39; -kur EU and the United States are partners and allies, "not enemies", and must work together at the beginning of trade negotiations between the two major economies.

Juncker told Trump at a meeting at the Oval Office that trade talks are important. He suggests that both parties discuss "lowering tariffs" instead of increasing them.

Trump notes that the two continents together account for more than 50% of world trade. Trump said it would be good to eliminate all tariffs and trade barriers as part of the discussions.

Trump threatened to impose tariffs on imported cars, prompting Europeans to propose $ 20 billion in tariffs.


President Donald Trump meets senior officials of the European Union in a context of growing trade conflict between the two economies on automobiles

Trump says at the top of the oval. Bureau meeting with the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker (zhahn-KLOHD & YUN & kur) and the head of commerce Cecilia Malmstrom, looking for a fair trade agreement with l & # 39; EU. He says that he would prefer that there be no tariffs or barriers.

European leaders try to convince Trump to impose tariffs on imported cars and auto parts, fearing that this would harm both economies

they are ready to put tariffs on 20 billion US dollars if Trump charges duties on car imports.



Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, and Paul Ryan, Donald Trump House Speaker Wednesday at the White House. McConnell told reporters that it was "a routine meeting" on the legislative agenda of the administration.

The GOP leader refused to say whether the trade was discussed.

On Wednesday, Republican No. 2 Senate, John Cornyn of Texas, said he expected the meeting to focus on trade – with "an expression of concern on the end of the game. "

The administration announced this week a $ 12 billion aid for farmers. Some Republican lawmakers have criticized the proposal, saying farmers want markets for their crops, not profits for lost sales and lower prices.

Trump asked about the confirmation process for Brett Kavanaugh. "He was interested in my thoughts on the Kavanaugh nomination, which I think is fine," said McConnell.



Chinese President Xi Jinping (shee jihn-peeng) says the world is facing the "choice between cooperation and confrontation" in remarks that criticized the escalation US tariffs on goods from China and other important trading partners.

At the annual BRICS emerging countries summit held this year in Johannesburg, Xi's pursuit of economic hegemony will only end up hurting himself.

"The current international order is not perfect," said the Chinese president. But, he said, it should not be ruled out "as long as it's rules-based, aims to be fair and aims for win-win goals."

He said that "unilateralism and protectionism are rising".

10:30 am

The Republican Governor of Ohio castigates President Donald Trump's duties and his plan to provide $ 12 billion in direct payments to farmers and ranchers victimized by foreign retaliation .

Gov John Kasich (KAY's -sik) said that the imposition of Trump's rights by allies like Canada for reasons of national security was "completely absurd" and that now the president is resorting to " agricultural well-being "when American farmers want trade. Trump's critic and rival of 2016 for the GOP presidential nomination spoke of the opening of the Ohio Fair in Columbus in 1966.

The Ministry of Agriculture Tuesday announced a $ 12 billion plan. to pay the farmers affected by the trade battles with China, Mexico, Canada and the European Union.

Kasich says that this will only aggravate the tariff damages.



President Donald Trump is calling China "vicious" on the trade and says it's targeting American farmers specifically because "they know that I love them and respect them. "

Trump also repels critics of his latest plan to provide $ 12 billion in emergency assistance to farmers, telling them "to be cool" because "the end result will be worth it!"

Farm Republicans say farmers want markets for their crops, not government payments for lost sales. cutting at your heels during a negotiation "will only delay the process.It writes:" The negotiations are going very well, be cool. The end result will be worth it! "

He also tweeted," China is targeting our farmers, whom they know, love and respect, as a way to make me continue to allow them to enjoy the United States. They are vicious in what will be their failed attempt. We are nice – until now! "


1:24 am

Some Republicans in Agricultural States Reject Trump's Administration Plan to Provide $ 12 Billion in Emergency Assistance As a Result trade disputes between the United States and other countries, especially China.

GOP legislators say farmers want markets for their crops, not profits for lost sales and prices Administration officials deny that the plan is a bailout.

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue says the plan is meant for short-term relief while President Donald Trump and other officials are working on trade agreements, the damage done to American farmers by Trump's commercial tariffs, and the possibility of losing seats in the House and Senate in the Midwest and elsewhere

. should enter into force on Labor Day.

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