New Agency to Supervise Food Security, Environment News & Top Stories


A new government agency will be established on April 1 to oversee food security, with the goal of strengthening food safety standards for consumers and strengthening local food businesses.

The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) report to the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources (MEWR) and take over the food-related work currently being conducted by the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources (MEWR). Agrofood and Veterinary Authority (AVA), the National Agency for the Environment (NEA) and the Health Sciences Authority (HSA). 19659002] The AVA will cease to exist from April and its animal-related functions, such as animal welfare, will be transferred to the National Parks Council (NParks) under the Ministry of Development. national level (MND).

Minister of the Environment and Water Resources Masagos Zulkifli, who announced the new agency yesterday at a media event at Commonwealth Capital Building in Jurong

A challenge caused by climate change that He cited was the plankton blooms, which threaten fish stocks as microorganisms suck oxygen from the water.

"The SFA will work closely with industry and research and develop partners to develop new solutions and new products," added Ma-sagos, adding that these solutions include solutions resilient agriculture and advanced food manufacturing techniques.

Three agencies – AVA, NEA, and HSA – now regulate this issue throughout the food supply chain, but the SFA will be the only organization in the world. do from the month of April of next year. Mr Masagos said: "For consumers, we will also improve food safety because (as of next April) an agency, the SFA, will review the surveys, the application and the assurance of food safety."

to manage outbreaks of food-borne diseases and coordinate product research and recall. Mr Lim Kok Thai, General Manager of AVA, will simultaneously be appointed Managing Director (designated) of the SFA before the changes are made next year.

Under these changes, NParks will become the lead agency for animal and wildlife management, In a statement, MEWR and MND said: "The transfer of plant and animal-related functions from 39. AVA will enable NParks to provide a one-stop shop for Singaporeans and stakeholders for animal and animal management, animal welfare issues, manage human-animal interactions and improve the detection and response to zoonotic diseases. "

Zoonotic diseases are those that spread from animals to humans.

NParks will also have a new Veterinary and Veterinary Service will be in contact with animal owners and companies, as well as animal protection groups.

National Development Minister Desmond Lee said: "With NParks as the lead agency for animal and wildlife management, as well as We will work more closely with stakeholders to develop a management approach based on the science, with holistic strategies and more effective responses. "

The reorganization will involve about 1,150 employees, said a spokesman for the MND. The SFA will have approximately 850 employees, 600 of whom will come from the AVA, 220 from the NEA and 30 from the HSA. About 300 AVA staff members will move to NParks


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