Puigdemont, Catalan leader dispossessed, returns to Belgium


BRUSSELS : The deposed President of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, returns to Belgium on Saturday to continue to press for the independence of his region after a Spanish judge awarded him a mandate to 39, European judgment

"My political activity will be based in Belgium Puigdemont said in Berlin when he announced his return this week

Four months after being detained in Germany at the request of Madrid, Puigdemont may return to Belgium in order to continue the mandate of the people because he is no longer in danger of being extradited to Spain after the Spanish court has canceled the mandate.

The former 55-year-old regional leader, with his shaggy shawl-style Beatles, will continue to fight for Catalan independence south of Brussels in the city of Waterloo, which is known for another battle – the defeat of the emperor French Napoleon by a mela Nge of European forces in 1815.

sacked as Catalan president after failed secession On 27 October, Puigdemont and several members of his executive fled to Brussels a few days later.

He was later arrested in Germany at the end of March on his return from a trip to Finland.

Puigdemont released on bail About 10 days later, he was awaiting a decision of the German court on a request for extradition by Spain, where he is wanted for his role in the campaign for the first time. independence.

But the German court ruled that he could not be extradited and not for the "rebellion" as sought by Madrid but not recognized by German law

Following this decision, the Spanish judge Pablo Llarena , in charge of the case of separatist leaders, abandoned the international arrest warrant

. ] Welcome Party

From Belgium, Puigdemont will be able to travel wherever he wants except Spain where he is still wanted for rebellion, which can go up to 25 years in prison, and for abuse of public funds

In theory, he could remain in self-exile for twenty years, which, in the Spanish legal system, is the time period after which the charge of rebellion would no longer be valid.

Puigdemont should be hosted by a welcoming party including members of the Government of Catalonia as well as other pro-independence organizations.

Puigdemont will hold a press conference with his appointed successor Quim Torra, who still considers him the "legitimate president" of Catalonia at 11:00 am (09:00 GMT) on Saturday.

He will then go to Waterloo for a ceremony at 16:00

Puigdemont intends to create a "Republican Council" at his home in Waterloo, as well as an assembly composed of local officials to work in parallel with the Catalan government.

"It's Time to Act"

Although power is officially in the hands of Torra, Puigdemont continues to exert a strong influence In the region.

To illustrate the influence of Puigdemont, He managed to reverse the position of his party for greater openness to dialogue with Madrid

"In Brussels, we will continue … to develop activities related to what the Catalan people approved on 1 October, "said Puigdemont. in the referendum that was banned by the Spanish courts a "Marked by police violence."

"This is no longer a Spanish case that can be solved internally, a European opinion is needed for the issue of Catalonia," said the former president of the region, who is waiting to go to other European countries to defend his case.

In addition to Puigdemont, five other important members of his independence movement are in Belgium, Switzerland and Scotland

Torra met in early July the new Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, the socialist leader promising to find a way out of the crisis [19659002] Puigdemont wants Sanchez to allow a referendum on the issue of the independence of Catalonia. – Something the Prime Minister flatly refused.

He also wants Spain to release nine separatists

"Change in the Spanish government is supposed to come with a change in style and climate … but it's not the time for gestures, it's time to act, "he said. AFP

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