Khairy says that Umno does not need to NOT


But the former youth leader does not reject collaboration with the Islamist party in order to win the partial election of Sungai Kandis.

Khairy Jamaluddin says that Omno has to fend for himself

KLANG: Khairy Jamaluddin said today that he was not in favor of any cooperation with PAS, in a break with the senior leaders of Umno who said they were ready to work with the Islamist party.

The deputy of Rembau and former leader of Umno Youth said that Umno should not rely on others to win.

"Cooperation is good but Umno has to be self-sustaining, why do we have to depend on another party?", He said today during a campaign in Sungai Kandis , where Barisan Nasional's Lokman Noor Adam stands up against PKR's Zawawi Mughni in the August 4th

by-election. -election, saying that it was to avoid splitting the opposition votes. But the party did not urge its members to vote for BN

The state's seat became vacant after the death of its incumbent Mat Shuhaimi Shafie on July 2.

Wednesday, Najib Razak urged Umno and NOT to bury "We must do everything we can to support Islam while taking into account the religions of other communities," said the former president from Umno during a visit to Islam. Sungai Kandis.

Lokman had also said that he was supportive of the SAP approach to support him in Sungai Kandis.

Khairy said today that it was acceptable to cooperate with PAS if the goal was specifically to win at Sungai Kandis. Meanwhile, he said voters should provide stronger opposition by supporting BN, saying it would lead to "better controls" at Selangor and at the federal level.

"When we have more voices of opposition, the federal government will be more accoun"

Bad luck to Sungai Kandis without the support of NOT, says Lokman

Let's be friends for l Islam, Najib says to PAS

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