G25 urges Ali Hamsa to resign


PETALING JAYA : The G25 group of prominent Malay called the government's chief secretary (KSN) Tan Sri Ali Hamsa to resign.

G25 members said that they were concerned about the statements that came from the new administration, including Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, that the public service is unreliable with regard to Regarding its commitment to the reforms and changes that the government is putting in place to meet the aspirations of the people

the public service was seen as the pillar of the strength and stability of the administration, now some senior officials are seen as part of the problem the country is facing.

"We believe that the public also loses the respect and confidence of the public service as a neutral institution that can be supported, whatever the political changes, to give advice. professionals to their ministers and to implement ministerial decisions with honesty, sincerity and integrity, "said the G25 Secretariat in a statement today.

The group said that other critics have alleged the sabotage of some senior officers still loyal to previous leaders.

He also pointed out that various criticisms of the behavior of senior officials, particularly their unprofessional behavior before the elections that turned on social networks, had tarnished Image of the public service.

The G25 stated that these severe criticisms of the public service, emanating from p Politicians or the public, poorly reflect the direction of Ali Hamsa to ensure discipline and professionalism, especially at the higher echelons of Secretaries General.

They said that, since the Secretaries General are under the command of the KSN, he must take responsibility for all the bad public service publicity he has suffered because of his misconduct and his own failure to give the good example.

"The KSN should not ignore the strong public statements of our leaders and instead, it should admit that it is personally responsible for acting in the best interest of the entire public service by resigning."

"The KSN should take It added that if Ali Hamsa were to offer his resignation, it would allow Dr. Mahathir to make the right choice and resign without any hesitation to save the public service from further disgrace and a bad publicity.

The G25 said that government officials would appreciate the personal sacrifice on the part of the KSN by making the offer to resign as it will release the bridge for its replacement.

faulty apples caused a great deal of damage to the whole public service.

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