Ismail Sabri's RM10 turtle eggs trial must be settled amicably


The former minister is working on an agreement with the publisher and editor of the Daily Express on the publication of three articles that he says have defamed him.

Former Minister Ismail Sabri said that he had been defamed by the publisher and publisher of the Daily Express.

KUALA LUMPUR: The libel suit of 10 million RM filed by former Minister of Rural Development and Regional Ismail Sabri Yaakob the publication of three articles on a turtle egg dish allegedly served at the time An event in Sabah will be settled amicably at the High Court.

The case was leaked by Ismail Samsinaralia Sahar's lawyer after handling the case before Judicial Commissioner Darryl Goon Siew Chye in chambers today, in the presence of the l & ## s 39, lawyer Bhag Singh who represented both the accused – Sabah Publishing Sdn Bhd and James Sarda.

Samsinaralia said that both parties would try to settle the case amicably and inform the court of the results by next case management is scheduled for August 24.

On April 2, the Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal filed by Sabah Publishing and James against the decision of the Kuala Lumpur High Court on October 9, dismissing their claim for damages. cancellation of the defamation suit, was filed by Ismail Sabri on March 30 in the Kuala Lumpur District Court. Maliciously, he published three articles in the Daily Express about protected turtle eggs served at a dinner held in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, in 2015.

In his statement, Ismail Sabri said the defamatory remarks against him in articles entitled "The Minister and Sabah YB still have to comply: Department" as of January 24, 2016; "Beluran turtle eggs dinner: results left at the AG" on September 3rd, 2016; and "Explain first the confusion of turtle eggs," Lim told the minister "dated September 6, 2016, was wrong, baseless, ill-intentioned and tarnished his reputation as a politician.

He seeks an apology from the appellants, as well as 10 million RM in general damages, aggravated damages and exemplary damages

Sabah Publishing and James, in their defense, denied having published and printed articles with unjustified and erroneous intentions

. backups and without malice.

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