Ministers and activists criticize Zahid's LGBT remark (Update) – Nation


PETALING JAYA: Ministers and social advocates have criticized Datuk Seri's Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi for hinting that the activities of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community could provoke the wrath of God.

They said the focus should instead be on pressing issues such as corruption.

The Deputy Minister for Women, Family and Community Development, Hannah Yeoh, said that instead of LGBT, corruption was "the greatest diabolical and immoral social activity" in Malaysia.

"Among all the urgent issues that the leader of the opposition @Zahid_Hamidi could have raised, he chose this solution.

"Corruption is the biggest unhappy and immoral social activity in Malaysia – Umno's position on this," she told her Twitter account on Tuesday (October 23rd).

At the same time, the Minister of Youth and Sports, Syed Saddiq, Syed Abdul Rahman, asked Dr. Ahmad Zahid what fate could suffer those who stole the people's money.

"What about those who are corrupt and bickering with those who steal money from people? Will misfortune fall?" He asked.

Syed Saddiq said in his ministry that 12 people had been arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), adding that in Umno there were so many that he had lost count.

"I've never heard that misfortune would fall because of a thief," he said.

On Tuesday during Question Time in Parliament, Dr. Ahmad Zahid pointed out that the nation could possibly face the wrath of God because of the actions of the LGBT community.

He said the earthquake and tsunami in Palu, Indonesia, were due to God's punishment for the LGBT activities that take place there.

At the same time, the militant lawyer Siti Kasim, contacted, said that what the president of Umno had said was simply "the proof of his stupidity and the hateful thought that resulted".

"Think about it, even San Francisco, which is virtually the capital of the LGBT world and is in a seismic zone, is still going well; or Sydney from elsewhere.

"According to this logic, I suppose that God really needs to love these places because they are among the most prosperous and pleasant places in the world," she said.

This is why science is important so that people who use religion and God can not be easily blamed for their words, she added.

Sisters in Islam (SIS) Communications Manager Majidah Hashim called Dr. Ahmad Zahid's statement "disrespectful and disrespectful to the thousands of people who died" during the earthquake and tsunami, as well as hundreds of thousands of people Others displaced in central Sulawesi.

"It is shameful that Datuk Seri's Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi took advantage of the devastation in Palu to defame the LGBT community," she said.

The government, she added, including the opposition, is supposed to look after the well-being of all Malaysians, especially marginalized and vulnerable groups.

"Therefore, the demonization of these groups, including LGBTs and other minority groups, must stop," she said.

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