BN is going to have a new name in the branding exercise, says Zahid


BN is going to have a new name in the branding exercise, says Zahid

Zaim Ibrahim

Zaim Ibrahim

Updated 14 hours ago ·
Posted Oct 27, 2018 6:15 PM ·

Barisan Nasional chairman Ahmad Zahid Hamid said the coalition should continue to provide checks and balances on President Pakatan Harapan. – Photo of the Insight folder in Malaysia, October 27, 2018.

REBRANDING Barisan Nasional would involve renaming the coalition and including new members from civil society groups.

Its president, Ahmad Zahid Hamid, said the coalition was also working to establish a two-party system in the country, in which it would remain an effective alternative to Pakatan Harapan.

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