Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, Leicester City owner, confirmed dead in crash | Soccer


Leicester City's owner, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, died in the helicopter crash outside the club's stadium on Saturday, it was confirmed on Sunday night by the club.

He was one of five people killed – when the accident occurred around the hour after the club's draw at West Ham United. The Thai owner's helicopter is a must-have for the rest of the world. 8.20pm.

"It is with the deepest regret and a collective broken heart that we confirmed our chairman, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, was tragically lost on their lives on the King Power Stadium. None of the five people on-board survived, read a club statement.

"The primary thoughts of everyone at the club are with the Srivaddhanaprabha family and the families of those on-board at this time of unspeakable loss. In Khun Vichai the world has lost a great man. A man of kindness, of generosity and a man whose life is defined by the love he devoted to his family and those he so successfully led. Leicester City was a family under his leadership. It is a family that we will be able to see and maintain the pursuit of a vision for the club that is now his legacy. "

Leicestershire Police have named the other passengers as Nursara Suknamai and Kaveporn Punpare, both members of Vichai's staff, pilot Eric Swaffer and passenger Izabela Roza Lechowicz.

The Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) is leading the investigation into the accident and continues.

"This is an incredibly tragic incident in which people are understood to have lost their lives," Supt Steve Potter said. "Emergency services were immediately on the scene when the crash happened, working to put out the fire and gain access to the helicopter in attempts to reach those inside. Despite those efforts, there were no survivors. "

Vichai, 60, was a hugely popular figure at Leicester, having bought the club for £ 39m in 2010. With his backing the club won the Premier League in 2016 for the first time in its history, defying the odds of 5,000-1.

The self-made billionaire and father of the city was also widely respected for its charity work, having donated £ 2m to Leicester Children's Hospital. His surname, meaning "light of progressive glory" in Thai, had been bestowed on him by King Bhumibol, the monarch of Thailand, in recognition of his corporate social responsibility programs.

Vichai regularly left home matches in his Augusta AW169 helicopter and on Saturday he was due to travel to Luton Airport.

Eyewitness reports that the helicopter has just been reduced to the roof of the booths, then moved back to the wind. The aircraft crashed into a flames after impact where it was worn by the club, used by Leicester's staff, which was empty at the time.

Emergency services rushed to the scene to tackle the wreckage, with the area eventually cordoned off by Leicestershire police.


Witnesses praised Swaffer, who was at the controls when the helicopter crashed, as a hero for guiding it away from crowds on the ground. His LinkedIn page lists extensive flying experience dating back to 1989, including a period at easyJet before he became a contract pilot.

Lechowicz was also a professional pilot, and she and Swaffer lived together in Camberley, Surrey. She had moved to the UK from Poland in 1997 and was recently selected for her profession by her country's embassy in London as one of 18 inspirational polish women.

Writing this year for the embassy website about her path to becoming a pilot, she said she was inspired by her partner. "Shortly after [coming to the UK] I also put my partner, who was working on it and flying pilot, "she wrote. "He took me out for a few flights, and that is how it all started. I knew this is something I'm in the mood for the first time. "

'It's just awful': Leicester City fans in shock after owner's helicopter crashes – video

Members of the public traveled to the tribute on Sunday. Players in Premier League Matches wore black armbands as a mark of respect. Minute's silences were held at Manchester United and Burnley, and took place in Crystal Palace.

In Thailand, where Vichai's ownership of the Leicester club had become a source of great national pride and ease of marriage. Manchester United and Liverpool, well known figures in football and politics paid tribute.

A statement from the Football Association of Thailand said: "It was with profound sadness that we learned of the sudden and tragic passing of the King of Power and Leicester City Football Club. The Football Association of Thailand extends our deepest condolences for Srivaddhanaprabha family and families of those who lose their lives in this tragedy. "

Nualphan Lamsam, who manages Thailand's national women's football team, feels "thoughts and prayers" to Vichai's family while Anutin Charnvirakul, leader of the Bhumjai Thai political party, told local media that he considered Vichai to be like a "big brother"

"He is a self-made man, worked hard and loved friends dearly," he said. "We just lost someone who made big contributions to the public. I am sure his legacy will live on. "

Aiyawatt Srivaddhanaprabha, Leicester's vice-chairman and Vichai's son, flew to the United Kingdom from Thailand on Sunday. Police Leicestershire pleaded for patience from the public as crash investigators took control of the site.

The Leicester City statement said a book of condolence, to be shared with the Srivaddhanaprabha family, would be opened on 8am on Tuesday 30 October for fans wishing to pay their respects. It continued: "Supporters will not be able to visit King Power Stadium, which will be made available via in due course."

The club confirmed that both sides of the world have won a place in the EFL Cup and the development of Feyenoord in the Premier League has been postponed. The statement added: "Everyone at the club has been truly touched by the remarkable response of the football family, whose thoughtful messages of support and solidarity have been deeply appreciated at this difficult time."

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