Brazilian High Court Against Police Actions in Public Universities


BRASÍLIA: Brazil's Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that military police should not intervene on public university campuses after launching campus operations against students opposed to far-right President Jair Bolsonaro.

Bolsonaro, elected Sunday after a second round, campaigned on a platform that included the promise of cracking down on violent crime while strengthening gun rights.

At the hearing, the nine magistrates said that police action on college campuses should stop because it affects the freedom of expression and thought in the universities.

The decision sets a precedent even as tensions rise before Bolsonaro is sworn in.

"There is no democratic right without respect for freedoms," said Justice Carmen Lucia Antunes, who was a rapporteur in this case.

"The only legitimate force that can invade universities is that of free and plural ideas, any other is tyranny," she added.

Bolsonaro takes office in the largest country and the largest economy in Latin America in January – AFP

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