How to work mobile processors: Samsung has released an interesting video Techno 24


Як працюють мобільні процесори: Samsung випустила цікаве відео - Техно 24

Samsung has published a video in which simple language to explain what happens inside the CPU of a smartphone. The video shows the example of “mini-robots”, how is the camera control, image processing and data transmission.

The corresponding video was published on YouTube.

Modern Samsung Exynos processors are allocated separate blocks of functions under the control of one “mini-job”: the Central computing unit CPU, the artificial intelligence algorithms, a modem to connect to the network, the graphics processor and gaming platform “next generation” record and playback video, processor, image signals, which automatically adjusts camera settings.

Note, artificial intelligence technologies supported processors Exynos and Exynos 9810 9610. Also Exynos 9810 supported 4K UHD video c 10-bit color depth.

How do processors Samsung Exynos – watch videos


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