China, After Outcry, Reinstates Ban on Rhino and Tiger Parts in Medicine


BEIJING — The Chinese government, bowing to pressure from environmental groups, said on Monday that it would temporarily reinstate a ban on the use of rhinoceros horns and tiger bones in medicine.

Making a rare concession, the State Council, China’s cabinet, said that it had decided to postpone an order made last month to undo a 25-year ban on the trade.

“The Chinese government has not changed its stance on wildlife protection and will not ease the crackdown on illegal trafficking and trade of rhinos, tigers and their byproducts,” Ding Xuedong, a top official with the council, said in remarks published in the state-run news media on Monday.

Environmentalists celebrated the change, though some warned that it might be temporary.

“Keeping these products banned is the only way we stand a chance of protecting the future survival of these incredible animals that are already in decline,” said Gilbert M. Sape, a campaigner with World Animal Protection, an advocacy group based in London.

While rhino and tiger parts are rarely used in Chinese medicine these days — most doctors prefer herbal remedies — they are the subject of a small but lucrative trade.

Environmentalists led a vigorous campaign over the past few weeks to persuade Chinese officials to change course. In late October, shortly after the decision to allow the use of rhino and tiger parts in medicine was announced, nine foreign nongovernmental organizations met with the State Forestry and Grassland Administration to make their case against the measure.

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