Penang passes two-term limit for Chief Minister


Pakatan Harapan represents at the assembly the draft law on the Penang (Amendment) Constitution 2018 tabled at the end of the state assembly. Minister of Finance Lim Guan Eng, who is also a member of the Air Putih committee, is also represented.

GEORGE TOWN: The Penang Assembly today adopted an amendment to the state constitution, limiting the mandate of the general director to two terms, saying it was the first to do so in the country.

Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow (DAP-Padang Kota) introduced a bill to this effect, which was supported by his deputy Ahmad Zakiyuddin Abdul Rahman (PKR-Pinang Tunggal).

The Penang State Constitution came into effect on August 30, 1957 and has been amended 18 times. The last, dating from 2012, provided for a law against party shame for members of the assembly.

Today's amendment provides for clause 7 (a) (a) of the Constitution, which reads as follows: "A member of the assembly who has never held a ministerial post in chief for two terms ".

The bill was passed by a two-thirds majority, with 33 votes in favor, with only three opposition members from the BN and the PAS having abstained from voting. Four members of the Pakatan Harapan assembly were absent with notice.

Chow, while proposing the bill, said the term limit was put in place to guarantee a system of control within the government and also to keep a promise made by Penang Pakatan Harapan in his election manifesto.

He added that limiting the term of office would also prevent abuse of power and ensure that leadership is renewed from time to time.

"The Penang government will enter into history by becoming the first state in Malaysia to ratify a term limit for the CM. Penang is leading, once again, "he said.

Historic movement to ensure good governance

During the debate, Gooi Hsiao Leung (PKR-Bukit Tengah) said the bill was historic.

He added that this initiative would pave the way for other state assemblies in the country to do the same, to prevent abuse of power and ensure good governance.

"Now, those who become the CEO of Penang will have a limited time to make sure their work is done.

"In this way, there will be no dictators beyond their home.

"Chow became CM just six months ago. He did the honorable thing; it's admirable.

In another order of ideas, Gooi hoped that the state's legal advisers would seek to fine-tune the constitution of the Penang State in order to ensure that the governor's power to choose the Chief Minister be under control in order to avoid any crisis situation in other states.

Mohd Yusni Mat Piah (PAS-Penaga) said that if the current CM can occur, he should be allowed to serve for three or four terms.

"As long as there are no scandals, such as buying luxury bungalows, the CM continues to behave well."

Muhammad Faiz Fadzil (Amana-Permatang Pasir) said the term limit was consistent with Islam, as it prevented a person from committing acts of corruption.

"It provides new blood to govern the state. Although we can have the capacity, there is a real risk of corruption.

"I believe this term limit will prevent bad things from governing the state."

Chow: It does not deprive anyone of the chance to become CM

In the closing phase, Chow said the term limit was "unprecedented" because it restored people's trust in the political parties and governments they lead.

"We always hear people say," you can do something good or cancel something bad with a stroke of a pen ". I do not think what we are doing tonight steals someone's right to become CM.

"I see it as a restoration of the trust that rakyat has in us.

"Remember that citizens voted against BN after losing faith in their leaders and lack of control and institutional governance.

"I have never assumed this position in which I am like something personal. I am in the position of public officer, in a public office.

"And in the public service, we have to do our best and I'm just doing it."

The assembly also passed the finance bill for 2019 rising to 8666.8 million RM.

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