A defeated PKR candidate shouts his fault


A defeated PKR candidate shouts his fault

Posted on Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Tenom: PKR Wanita's division chief candidate, Norlea Yuntong, alleged that there had been elements of fraud during the election process after claiming that her name had appeared twice, but with a different number.

According to her, she was the number 4 candidate in the online voting system, but claimed that her name also appeared as the number one candidate on the ballot.

She sent her objection to the Central Election Committee, but claimed that they had simply ignored it.

She then filed a police report.

"I suppose it was planned to maintain the position of outgoing vice-president of PKR (Azmin Ali), they did that because I am in the Rafizi Ramli camp," he said. she told the press on Monday.

She also said that election workers had been pre-selected by the Central Electoral Commission.

"They were all pro Azmin," she said.

Norlea, who had to contend with a fierce fight for the job, had 168 votes while final winner Galit Taliyor had 327 votes.

"I suspect that there is an invisible hand behind it, how can my name appear twice, in fact, candidate number 1 was removed from the competition," she said. added.

Meanwhile, in Sepanggar, Adam Fistival Wilfrid, a candidate for the post of Divisional Chief of Youth, has asked to be re-elected after asserting that there had been fraud during Sunday's election procedure.

He alleged that election workers were mostly aligned with the rival camp.

"They should have been students, but it turned out that most of them were party members lined up on the rival camp, obviously they would be biased," he said. declared.

Adam, who is also Sabah PKR's communications officer, said he would file a police report on Tuesday and present all photographic and video evidence of alleged cheating. He did not win the job. – Mail Mathew

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