A lawyer cites India's inability to get Interpol's notice to rally to Zakir


Lead counsel Mohamed Haniff Khatri Abdulla cited Interpol's stance on Zakir Naik to defend Putrajaya's decision regarding the controversial Muslim preacher.

He indicated that the notice was canceled several months later by the Commission for the control of Interpol's records last October

"So when an international executive agency like Interpol is not satisfied with the procedure and facts to support … so it is unfair that critics point to the Malaysian government for not acting Haniff also cited the court's decision Call in India led by Judge Manmohan Singh on January 1 of this year with regard to the law against money laundering.

A court order was made to prevent the management of the money laundering. Indian execution (ED) to take over the ownership of Zakir's assets that were seized earlier for allegedly According to Haniff, Judge Manhoman Singh stated that the director has not produced prima facie evidence nor statements of "young people so misguided" as to "comm These speeches (of Zakir) pushed them to commit illegal acts. "[19659002]" Have you recorded anybody's statement as to how they were influenced by these speeches? Your charge sheet does not even mention how these speeches played a role in a terrorist attack in Dhaka in 2015.

"Have you read the speeches that are part of your charge sheet?" I heard a lot of these speeches and I can tell from after Hanif

Haniff, who acted as counsel to the Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, told the lawyer of the ED "that until now, I have found nothing objectionable." The past, Malaysians must ask if the allegations against Zakir have a basis, or are simply slander. [19659002EarlierthisweekNDTVofIndiareportedthatofficialsfromtheNationalInvestigatingAgency(NIA)revealedthatInterpol'snoticewithinthreeweeksdidnotrespondattherequestofIndiafiledinDecember

Officials said that it is possible that the international agency was not satisfied with the case against Zakir

NDTV Interpol returned Zakir against him, the court having not taken cognizance of the case against him. After the legal formalities, it was submitted again in December of last year.

"But they (Interpol) have not even responded," said a senior NIA official at NDTV

. has the status of permanent resident of Malaysia, could stay in the country, provided that it behaves.

However, various neighborhoods urged the prime minister to abide by the extradition treaty between Malaysia and India.

Zakir's critics accuse him of making hate speech and belittling other religions.

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