A syrian girl, born without legs who walked with the help of cans, receives prostheses – National


A Syrian girl, born without legs and using branches made by her father from tin cans, is neat after pictures of her have become viral on social media.

Maya, eight, takes her first steps to Istanbul on prosthetic limbs after photos of her struggle to move around a tent camp in Idlib surfaced on social media. Maya suffers from a congenital disorder that means she was born without legs – the same disorder endured by her father Mohammed Merhi.

Maya, eight years old, makes her first steps in Istanbul on prosthetic limbs after photos of her fight to move to a camp in Idlib were published on social networks. Maya suffers from a congenital disorder and is born without legs.

They lived in the southern countryside of Aleppo, but had to flee with Merhi's wife and five other children and took refuge in Idlib, controlled by the rebels. and clashes erupted. While Maya, like her father, was able to crawl, recent surgery has further reduced the length of her legs and made it more difficult.

"We had to face many challenges. ", Said his father to Reuters." The situation, in general, was difficult. She was unable to walk so we had to create something to protect her from the ground, "he said, referring to the improvised legs that he drew from tubes and old s of tuna. Maya takes her first steps in Istanbul on prosthetic limbs after photos of her struggle to move around a tented camp in Idlib surfaced on social networks. Maya suffers from a congenital disorder and was born without legs. “/>

Maya, eight years old, makes her first steps in Istanbul on prosthetic limbs after photos of her fight to move to a camp in Idlib were published on social networks. Maya suffers from a congenital disorder and was born without legs.

"To be able to get out of the tent, I had the idea to fix on its members a tube filled with a spongy material to reduce the pressure", continues Merhi "Then, j & # 39; I added two empty tuna cans because the plastic was not strong enough to resist rubbing with the soil, "Merhi told AFP.

Thanks to her father, Maya was able to walk outside the tent in which they lived, and could even venture to school on the campgrounds by herself. Merhi has five other children, none of whom suffer from this disease.

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Merhi told AFP that he was replacing the tube on his makeshift prostheses once a month and boxes once a week. Her father will also receive prostheses at the Turkish clinic

"It is more important that she can walk to be self-sufficient, it would be like a new life for us," he said. "I dream of seeing her walk, go to school and return without suffering."

Specialists in Turkey are committed to this goal

"Maya will walk", Dr. Mehmet Zeki Culcu, prosthesis specialist. in an Istanbul clinic, told Agence France-Presse (AFP). "God willing, in three months."

According to AFP, the Turkish Red Crescent intervened after the photos started circulating online. Maya and her father, who has no legs, were evacuated from Syria by the Turkish authorities and brought to Istanbul.

Culcu told Reuters that Maya's father's efforts to help him walk not only inspired his team.

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"He did everything for this child to walk and God helped them," said Culcu. "Normally no one would think they could walk with these improvised members."

– With a Reuters file.

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