A taxi passenger accidentally pays 100 times his price


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A Chinese taxi driver with a keen sense of Ethics went out of their way to bring back nearly 6,500 yuan ($ 950) to a Sino-US visitor who accidentally paid for his trip. 19659007] The incident occurred Monday at Xian, capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province, when the driver, Zhang Peng, checked his WeChat wallet, reported on Wednesday the China Business Gazette

yuan for a fee of 65 yuan. the timestamp, Zhang guessed that the payment had probably been made by a group of four people that he had picked up at the station and emme born at the hotel.

After first asking the dispatchers of his taxi business if they could help Trace the group – they could not – Zhang decided to see if they were still at the hotel where he had deposited them, what they were, says the report.

After explaining the situation at the reception, Zhang was reunited with "

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The visitor, identified only by his last name, Liu, He said that he was making his first visit to the city and had been troubled by the layout of the application of payment.

"These systems like WeChat Pay and Alipay are all new to me," he said. I really know how to use them. In the United States, when I pay, there is usually a space for decimal points, so I thought I had to do the same thing here and I ended up paying accidentally. "

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As a reward, Liu told Zhang to return only 6,300 yuan, but the ethical driver had none, and insisted for that he reimburses the total amount minus the actual price, according to the report

. "Liu instead thanked Zhang with glowing testimony on WeChat, China's most popular courier service.

" I can not believe it, "he wrote in Chinese." For some people, money is their only goal, and 6,500 yuan, that is a lot of money. I felt so excited yesterday because you made it. I really appreciate it. "

This article originally appeared on the South China Morning Post (SCMP), the leading news media on China and Asia.For more SCMP stories , please download our mobile app, follow us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook.

– South China Morning Post

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