About 2 lakh jobs lost due to dumping of Chinese solar panel: Par Panel


The dumping of Chinese solar panels in India, once a major exporter of the product, would have cost 2 lakh jobs, said a parliamentary panel today and asked the Department of Commerce to properly implement its suggestions on imports cheap.
Expressing shock at the estimates of job losses he cited, the group of experts strongly recommended that the problem of misapplication of the conclusions of the Directorate General of Anti-Dumping and Antidumping related duties on the dumping of Chinese goods and subsidies.

These comments were made by Parliament's Standing Committee on Trade in its report on the impact of Chinese products on Indian industry.

It is discouraging to find that India was one of the leading exporters of solar products between 2006 and In 2011, China began selling its products at the expense of Indian manufacturers.

"Currently, Indian exports have been decimated and halted," the report said, adding that the government must take note of these practices.

Immediate trade remedies must be taken to protect the domestic solar industry, he said.

"The anti-dumping framework also suffers from lax implementation: unscrupulous elements are able to import Chinese goods by circumventing goods placed under anti-dumping framework by misclassification of products", he added.

On the iron and steel sector, the report states that nothing has been done to revise or rationalize

It recommended that the steel industry, in consultation with the DGAD, consider this matter as a matter of urgency and make anti-dumping duties realistic and effective in counteracting the adverse consequences of the dumping of Chinese steel. The report also indicates that the mega trade agreement – the Global Regional Economic Partnership (RCEP), in which India and China are participating with fourteen other countries, is causing concern

. During the negotiations, he asked the government to calibrate its approach in this type of agreement

The RCEP block includes 10 members of the Asean group (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia). , Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Laos and Vietnam) and their six FTA partners – India, China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand.

India's trade deficit with China amounted to 63.12 billion USD in 2017-18, from 51.11 billion US dollars in 2016-2017.

"… nothing should be accepted at the expense of our industrial health," said the panel.

Noting further that the tariff barrier is an important tool "Government tariff protection must also be accompanied by production subsidies or incentives that may be worthy of assistance. Chinese, so that our domestic production is really stimulated. "

Regarding the pharmaceutical industry, the report says that it is high time that India's dependence on Chinese bulk drugs be drastically reduced.

"Such a strategic product can not be left to the mercy of China." To protect the textile sector, the report suggested an increase in tariffs on clothing imports.

It also stated that all Drawbacks granted on imports of clothing in India should be subject to sources of supply.

Commenting on the firecracker industry, she called for banning the import of dangerous Chinese firecrackers. 19659017] (This story was not edited by Business Standard staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

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