Arrest warrants on two executives ex-1MDB


PUTRAJAYA : The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has now obtained arrest warrants against two former senior officers of the state investment arm 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB)

MACC Assistant Commissioner (Operations) Datuk Seri Azam Baki contacted by theSun confirmed today that arrest warrants have been issued against him. General Counsel and Executive Director of Group Strategy Jasmine Loo Ai Swan 45 Years of Damansara Heights and Executive Officer Casey Tang Keng Chee 53 Years of Taman Seri Endah, Kuala Lumpur

It is believed that the former officers are at home. foreigner after leaving the country about three years ago, just a few months before the opening of 1MDB investigations. It is said that they are named and closely associated with the financier and fugitive Low Taek Jho, better known as Jho Low – the number 1 person-of-interest in the multi-billion ringgit probe 1MDB. They had been searched by MACC since 2016.

Ongoing investigations on 1MDB have gone half way but the only small problem seems to be the absence of several key individuals who had fled to the Following the survey

have sought the help of Interpol to find them and are hopeful to find them.

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