Art gallery takes an illustration showing Trump being decapitated ISIS style


An art gallery in Portland, Oregon removed a window drawing depicting President Donald Trump being beheaded ISIS style

The founder of One Grand Gallery in the North West City told KPTV -TV that he shot down the controversial design

The founder of the gallery asked to keep the anonymity for fear that someone would try to hurt him.

The horrible picture shows a man whose face is hidden, holding Trump's head in one hand.

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  An Art Gallery In Portland, Oregon Removed A Window Drawing That Depicts President Donald Trump Being Decapitated ISIS

  A Gallery Of 39, art in Portland, Oregon removed a window drawing that depicts President Donald Trump being beheaded ISIS style

An art gallery in Portland, Oregon removed a window drawing that represents President Donald Trump being beheaded ISIS style

  The founder of One G Rand Gallery, in the North West City, told KPTV-TV that he had canceled the controversial drawing after threats from Trump supporters and a request for his owner. The gallery posted the picture on Facebook in a post now deleted

  The founder of One Grand Gallery in the North West City told KPTV-TV that he had withdrawn the controversial drawing following the threats from Trump supporters and a request from its owner. The gallery posted the image on Facebook in a post now deleted

The founder of One Grand Gallery in the North West City told KPTV-TV that he had withdrawn the controversial design after Trump supporters threats and a request from its owner. The gallery posted the image on Facebook in a post now deleted

On the other hand, he holds a knife to Trump's throat, which bleeds profusely from his nose as well as his sliced ​​neck.

The picture has the words "F *** TRUMP". below. The Trump cartoon is seen wearing a pin of a burning American flag on its lapel.

The image faces a public street and a sidewalk and was visible to passers-by.

The founder of the gallery said that he finally took the picture because "people … react with such anger and violence.

  The return was so fierce that even the nearby businesses that had nothing to do with the design say that they received angry phone calls

  been so fierce that even the companies nearby that had nothing to do with the drawing say they received angry phone calls

The return was so fierce that even nearby companies that had nothing to do with the drawing say they were receiving angry phone calls

  Tuesday morning, the picture was scuffed from the window facing the street, but the same illustration could be seen inside. The above is a stock image of the One Grand Gallery

  Tuesday morning, the picture was scraped from the window facing the street, but the same illustration could be seen hanging on the inside. The above is a stock image of the One Grand Gallery

Tuesday morning, the picture was scraped from the window facing the street, but the same illustration could be seen hanging on the inside. The above is a stock image of the One Grand Gallery

"People want the gallery to ignite with my family," said the founder.

On Facebook, the gallery posted the illustration with the caption: The same people offended by a "death threat" are the same people who support death threats and violence. Irony & # 39.

This message was later deleted.

Images of the image became viral on social media, causing widespread reaction.

The return was so fierce that even nearby businesses that had nothing to do with the design say they received furious calls. "It's been a crazy morning of madness," says Dane Johnson, who works in a one-storey car workshop above the art gallery.

"I had threats to throw stones by the window. I had threats that we would never do business with you again.

& # 39; And I've also had threats on my life – you know, we'll come kill you. & # 39;

  The decapitation illustration is similar to a picture of last year in which actress Kathy Griffin brandishes a doll that looks like Trump's severed head

  The decapitation illustration is similar to a picture of last year in which the actress Kathy Griffin a doll that looks like Trump's severed head

The decapitation illustration is similar to a picture from last year in which Kathy Griffin is seen brandishing a doll that looks like Trump's severed head

Johnson said.

Tuesday morning, the picture was scraped from the window facing the street, but the same illustration could be seen hanging on the inside.

The Grand Gallery's Instagram page features a number of provocatively provocative anti-Trump drawings.

An image shows a person giving the middle finger to a Trump building in Las Vegas

Another mocking image shows Trump with his hair disheveled and infinitely larger than they actually are

. The illustration is similar to a picture of last year in which actress Kathy Griffin brandishes a doll that looks like Trump's severed head.

The picture was so shocking that Griffin was widely criticized. She was also forced to cancel professional concerts after being sentenced.

Griffin is finally excused. She was interrogated by the secret services on the image.

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