Australia awaits Malaysia's request to extradite its ex-cop, News and stories from South-East Asia


GEORGE TOWN • Australia is awaiting an official request from Malaysia to return to Malaysia former police officer Sirul Azhar Umar, convicted of murdering Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu.

Australian High Commissioner to Malaysia, Andrew Goledzinowski, said that Australia would not allow a person on death row to return to his home country, Sirul had exceeded his visa.

"Although he is detained in a detention center, he has the freedom to receive visitors," Goledzinowski said in an interview with The Star last Friday.

Prime Minister Tun, the Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, said that the death sentence passed on Sirul could be commuted to allow Australia to extradite the former police corporal to Malaysia with his colleague Azilah Hadri, Sirul was convicted of murdering Ms. Altantuya and sentenced to death in 2009.

However, Sirul escaped to Australia where he was detained by Australian Immigration in Sydney after Ispol published a red notice.

He has been detained at the Villawood Detention Camp in Sydney since 2015.


Although he is detained in a detention center, he has the liberty to receive visitors and communicate with the outside world

HIGH AUSTRALIAN COMMISSIONER IN MALAYSIA ANDRE GOLEDZINOWSKI, on Sirul Azhar Umar, who is being held at the Villawood Detention Camp in Sydney.

million. Goledzinowski said that Australia was seeking to strengthen cooperation with Malaysia under the leadership of Mr. Mahathir, after the ties between the two countries were started in 1993 under the leadership of Australian leader Paul Keating

. "We want to be the partner of choice and we are willing to work in every possible area under the new administration."

M. Goledz Inowski commented on the stormy episode in 1993 when Mr. Keating called Dr. Mahathir "recalcitrant" after he refused to travel to Seattle, USA, to attend the meeting. ; Apec.

million. Keating then regretted calling Dr. Mahathir "Well, it 's not an old Mahathir or an old Australia, because today, we are part of the same". Asia and this is where we want to be because we have important trade and security. "Mr. Goledzinowski says:" Mahathir says what he thinks and thinks what he says and we respect him for that. "

He added:" We are considering a harmonious relationship with the new administration. Australia views Malaysia as the beacon of democracy in the region.

"Australia is the first destination for Malaysians, where more than 26,000 students are studying and tourist arrivals have increased." Mr. Goledzinowski, who took up his new position in January, met with Dr. Mahathir and other ministers in recent weeks and plans to strengthen the current cooperation between the two countries


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