Bayern Munich player Rafinha apologises for Halloween costume


Bayern Munich posted a picture of several players, including Rafinha (bottom right), dressed up in Halloween costumes on Wednesday

Bayern Munich right-back Rafinha has apologised for dressing up as an Arab holding what appears to be a box of explosives at a Halloween party.

The German club’s official Twitter account posted a picture of several players, including Brazilian Rafinha, wearing fancy dress on Wednesday.

The tweet was later taken down. Rafinha reposted his apology after initially using a picture of him in the costume.

“Halloween is a scary celebration with exaggerated costumes,” he tweeted.

“It was not my intention to anger anyone through my disguise or hurt someone’s feelings.”

The 33-year-old was dressed in traditional Arab clothing and holding a box labelled ‘Vorsicht’ – the German word for ‘caution’.

Bayern, who have been crowned German champions in each of the past six seasons, tweeted the picture to its 4.51m followers.

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