BMW i3, Starlight Edition i8 are as flashy as they come


Somewhere in Europe, there is a country called the Czech Republic. After many years of communism, the Velvet Revolution of 1989 saw the Czech Republic return to a liberal democracy that brought prosperity to all walks of life. And to make a short story, some people can even afford one-of-a-kind issues of the BMW i3 and i8

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Introducing the Starlight Edition, which is more flashy than it is. a pink Rolls-Royce with spinners and a good stereo sound hitting the tunes with the windows down. What differentiates this i3 electric sedan and this i8 rechargeable hybrid supercar from the rest of the crowd, it's the gold dust built into the gradual golden and black paint.

The 23.75 carat gold, offered by Liebscher Blattgold GmbH, is applied by hand through a special method developed by BMW ColorSystem and BASF. In addition to the four layers of gold infused paint, both cars feature six layers of BMW ColorSystem paint. "Lavish" could be the word you are looking for right now.

Even the booth features the theme of gold from the outside, boasting a plaque that reads "STARLIGHT Edition – One of One." Aside from the over-the-look -top, the two models do not differ at all from the stock i3 and i8 bones. In this part of the world, the BMW family i starts from 1,019,200 Czech crowns for the i3 and 3,819,400 for the i8 coupe.

So who ordered these cars? The automaker explains that the Starlight Edition duo was created for charity purposes. Before being auctioned off by the Dagmar Foundation and Vaclav Havel VIZE 97, the i3 and i8 will be exhibited in Prague at the Invelt showroom and at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.

The foundation does not mention which charities be helped by the proceeds of the sale, and no longer the car manufacturer in its publication on the Starlight Edition. To whom it is entitled, the Vision 97 is a prize awarded to persons who "cross the traditional framework of scientific knowledge, contribute to the understanding of science as an integral part of the general culture, an unconventional way fundamental questions of knowledge, of being and of human existence. "

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