British Prime Minister wins key vote on Brexit despite ongoing rebellion


LONDON : British Prime Minister Theresa May narrowly survived another Brexit vote in parliament on Tuesday, as she struggles to unify her divided party around her exit strategy. European Union

by its own backbenchers to a future trade policy bill that would have kept Britain in a customs union with the EU if it failed to a free trade agreement

and increased pressure on the already besieged leader.

The government's whips overcame the rebellion by a dozen conservative lawmakers – who allegedly issued last minute threats – would provoke a vote of no confidence from the prime minister – and got six votes, winning by 307 to 301.

It was strengthened by the support of four pro-Brexit Labor Party MPs.

Ministers argued that the amendment would put "a massive restriction". International Trade Minister Liam Fox told Parliament that the government's future trade bill is "an important piece of legislation that ensures continuity and stability."

"This will be the first confident step that the United Kingdom will take to establish itself as an independent trading nation," he added.

Government lost another less crucial vote on another backbench amendment calling for future participation

The overall bill on trade was passed by 31 votes and goes to the House of Lords for further examination before returning to the House of Commons for a final vote

May fights to unite her Conservative Party around his Brexit project officially unveiled last week after months of infighting within the government.

She would see Britain asking the Union for a free trade area for goods by means of a "facilitated customs arrangement" and a "uniform settlement".

The Brexiters believe that Britain remains too close to the EU, while pro-Europeans think it does not protect the dominant sector of the country's services, among others.

The Prime Minister faces persistent rumors to overthrow him.

The two leading pro-Brexit ministers, Boris Johnson and David Davis, resigned last week, while a series of junior walkouts followed suit, including two other officials on Monday

. The conservatives of the backbench faced a revolt after voting three votes Monday against a bill on post-Brexit tariffs.

Can avoid the defeat of the bill – part of a series of bills on the withdrawal of the EU. – By yielding to the pressures of the Eurosceptic extremists in his own party

This initiative has angered the pro-European conservatives, sowing the seed of the failed rebellion of Tuesday

"I started the week with the l & # 39; 39; intention to support the Prime Minister. "MPP Phillip Lee, who resigned from his position as Brexit Minister at the beginning of the year, told legislators

Despite this week's legislative successes, Former British prime ministers expressed on Tuesday the Brexit splitting effect.

Describing the government's approach as "a complete and complete mess", Tony Blair said AFP that the only way out was to hold another referendum on the issue.

"Once this thing has been started by a referendum, it can not frankly be ended by a new vote," said Blair.

John Major, who lost power in 1997 after years of conservative dissent over Europe, also supports a second poll and said the positions were more entrenched. aujourd & # 39; hui.

"Theresa May is in a more difficult position than me," he told ITV News.

"Faced with more engaged and harder opponents – and more – than me."

British voters in a referendum in June 2016 chose to leave the European Union and on Tuesday the Brexit Leave campaign was fined and reported to the police for violating spending rules – another problem that stimulated calls for a second vote. – AFP

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