Cabinet to discuss recruitment of Nepali workers


The cabinet will discuss the issue of recruiting Nepalese workers at its weekly meeting on Friday, Human Resources Minister Kulasegaran said today.

One of the key issues to be discussed would be the role of a local company that meets the Dewan Rakyat

In response to a supplementary question from Ismail Mohamed Said (BN-Kuala Krau ), during the time of the ministers' questions, he said that what became

Kulasegaran said that the matter would be examined and that measures should be taken in case of irregularities.

Ismail wanted to know if the recent withdrawal of approval The temporary employment visit passport (PLKS) for the eleventh year by the new government had prompted the Nepalese government to stop sending its citizens work in Malaysia.

The news portal Nepali Times in a report entitled "Kleptocrats of Kathmandu and Kuala Lumpur", alleged that a set of politicians, men of Business and bureaucrats in Nepal and Malaysia had made huge profits from vulnerable Nepalese migrant workers desperate for work in Malaysia

. The Nepalese government would have immediately halted the arrival of its citizens in Malaysia because it was not satisfied with the strict immigration rules imposed on potential migrant workers.

It was said that this included the monopoly of a private company Kulasegaran said that until June 20 this year, the number of foreign workers issued PLKS by the Department of Immigration was 1,747,154, of which 378,577 came from Nepal, the second highest figure after those from Indonesia.

– Bernama

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