Call to close Tahfiz schools, why it is not necessary


The old controversial statement of Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin, former Minister of Information, calling at the closure of all tahfiz schools in the country anti-aircraft defense of many Malaysians, especially Muslims who hold schools in high esteem.

In his blog Zamkata Zainuddin states that tahfiz schools and his students are used by opportunistic religious teachers, or Ustaz to collect donations from the public and sell religious books.

His other arguments include that single-minded parents send their problematic children to tahfiz schools with the assumption that they will be more disciplined; several serious tragedies occur in schools such as intimidation, torture and even deadly fires; He felt that the previous government was not willing to interfere in the affairs of tahfiz schools for fear of unwanted retaliation that might arise from Malaysian Muslims. Therefore, under the new government, former Minister Umno called for the closure of tahfiz schools as a reform to keep Muslims out of rigid religious practices in the country.

But are the tahfiz schools really irrelevant in our time? a realistic complete closure as a reform?

How Education Policy Keeps Students From Tahfiz At-A-Glance With Others In National Schools

  Under the previous government, Dasar Pendidikan Tahfiz Negara (DPTN) was established in 2016 to regulate tahfiz schools all over the country. "width =" 550 "height =" 360 "style =" margin: 0; Under the previous government, Dasar Pendidikan Tahfiz Negara (DPTN) was established in 2016 to regulate schools tahfiz everywhere

Zainuddin's arguments could contain water when he l & rsquo; Had raised five years ago, but the president of the Selangor Association of Schools of Tahfiz (PITAS), Muhammad Hafiz Haneefa, says the introduction of Tahfiz's National Education Policy (D PTN) by the Department of Islamic Development of Malaysia (JAKIM) in October 2016 increased the quality of tahfiz schools.

 Ustaz Muhammad Hafiz Haneefa. "Width =" 260 "height =" 233 "style =" margin: 0; Ustaz Muhammad Hafiz Haneefa "Under the DPTN, tahfiz schools are divided into four main programs, Science, Skills, Dini and Turath. These curriculums are regulated by the Ministry of Education and standardized by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).

" Dini and Turath curriculums involve education of Islamic knowledge, while tahfiz schools with the science curriculum are taught with standard science subjects like national schools, in addition to two subjects for their SPM exam which are Qur'anic memorization and Qur'anic knowledge.These schools are regulated by the integrated program Tahfiz (KBT).

"Meanwhile, schools with the skills program are also managed by the Ministry of Human Resources and Development Department. skills (JPK), in addition to the Ministry of Education. Malaysian Digest

Any tahfiz school that does not offer standard academic training will offer its students specific courses that will enable them to obtain a certificate for certain skills, such as: as management mosques, tahfiz school management and umrah-haj operators. As part of these courses, students will receive basic lessons from the standard national curriculum, such as history and Malay language.

"Even if students do not do well in their studies, they will have the opportunity to get certificates in community colleges. "He adds.

The DPTN also aims to raise tahfiz schools on par with national schools, in addition to their Koran memorization curriculum. Pass the SPM exam is now a requirement for the majority of tahfiz schools, even if students do not follow the standard five-year program of national high schools.

Hafiz explains that more than 70% of tahfiz students prefer to finish memorizing the Qur'an first, before following the SPM with an accelerated program.

"PITAS guides tahfiz schools by providing their students with the standard syllabus Basic language and mathematics should be taught at the same time as their daily Quran memorization course.

" Once students finish Their studies in tahfiz schools, they can continue their studies in the national schools according to the normal program.In Selangor, PITAS collaborated with the state government, the Selangor International Islamic University College (KUIS) and the University. Selangor University (Unisel) to allow tahfiz students to attend the SPM accelerated program, lasting one to two years, adding that the Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) will also collaborate with PITAS at the university.

He further explains that the Ministry of Education has done extensive research over the years in preparation for DPTN, including studying the students of his school e Jeram Islamic School in Kuala Selangor, whose graduates have become doctors, engineers, among other professionals, who have all memorized the Qur'an.

e 25 tahfiz schools that implement the KBT, Hafiz says that some private schools of tahfiz also provide a skills program, where students receive technical and vocational education (TVET) in collaboration with GiatMara as well as other community colleges.

This shows that students in tahfiz schools are just as competent as other students. With DPTN, the previous government has helped schools enormously to ensure that tahfiz students are not left behind, "he assured

Tahfiz schools produce more than 40,000 students. quality students as problematic students

Kamarozaman Abdul Razak, the president of the National Union of Teachers of Education (NUTP), strongly disagrees with Zainuddin's claims that tahfiz students were missing certain qualities. In fact, he points out that tahfiz students are exceptionally more talented.

"From my experience, tahfiz students are outstanding in remembering the information because of their intense efforts to memorize the entire Quran

Aside from Malay and English They must learn Arabic as part of the tahfiz program. Some schools even offer a fourth language lesson to their students.

"When they enter the job market, these talents are invaluable to employers. With the addition of positive moral teachings of Islam in the school curriculum, students will be educated in well rounded individuals who are polite and excellent in their professions, "he said.

 Kamarozaman Abdul Razak believes that tahfiz students are exceptional in memorizing information. "width =" 260 "height =" 259 "style =" margin: 0; [19659010] Kamarozaman Abdul Razak believes that tahfiz students are exceptional in memorizing information. </span></span>  Kamarozaman shared his personal experience He added that some NUTP teachers also prefer to teach in tahfiz schools because of the good education In saying what, Kamarozaman thinks that the government should focus on closing the vice places such as night clubs or pubs, in place of tahfiz schools. </p>
<p style= "We should not close the schools s tahfiz because many parents still want to send their children there. At present, there is only a handful of government-sponsored tahfiz schools and private ones receiving a lot of admissions and even donations from the public. "

He points out the program" Ulul Albab "which is implemented by several Mara Junior Science College (MRSM) as evidence of the successful integration between tahfiz education and the standard curriculum. , many Islamic councils set up their own tahfiz schools and produce quality students who excel academically and spiritually.

Meanwhile, Vice President of Muslim Solidarity Malaysia, Aminudin Wahab, says tahfiz schools do not reflect not in tahfiz schools. "In Malaysia, with more than 1,000 tahfiz schools, only a few of them used their students to collect public donations on the streets.

" In reality, these "beggars tahfiz "are exploited by trade unions rather than schools, so actions must be taken against these unions and not against tahfiz schools," he said.

Like previous speakers before him, Aminudin says that many graduates of tahfiz schools are doing well in academia and in the job market. attitude and discipline sought by employers.

"It is very rare to see tahfiz graduates fall into crime or commit a vice due to strict education in schools," he shared and quoted Darul Quran (DQ), an institution elite tahfiz by JAKIM, as an example.

Aminudin claims in DQ, graduates have proved to have an excellent track record when they pursue their studies in universities and when they join the job market.

He thinks that Malaysia should turn to countries like Turkey or Saudi Arabia, where tahfiz education is highly appreciated and get out of their books to become in countries where the world's Muslims whole receive education tahfiz

Graduates of Tahfiz School are valuable assets for the country

  Tahfiz students are no longer relegated to traditional Islamic schools or madrasas. have taken their place in many professional fields, such as engineering, medical and business. Photo by the Islamic State Council of Kelantan (MAIK). "Width =" 550 "height =" 365 "style =" margin: 0; Tahfiz students are no longer relegated to traditional Islamic schools or madrasahs. in many professional fields, such as engineering, medical and business. Photo by the Islamic State Council of Kelantan (MAIK).

Meanwhile, Mohd Zahid Mahmood, President of the National Associations of Quran Tahfiz Institutions (PINTA), says: "History has proven that tahfiz graduates have brought a lot to the country. in government agencies. "

Officially appointed by the government in 2016, PINTA acts as the representative of more than 1,000 tahfiz schools by expressing their concerns to JAKIM and other government agencies

Zahid considering the remarks of Zainuddin as a mere Propaganda further argues that tahfiz students not only memorize the Qur'an, but are also taught with a positive morality from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and emphasize the fact that they will be an asset valuable for society.

to close the tahfiz schools, we should close the premises that contribute to the degradation of the morals of society, such as p ubs, karaoke centers, brothels, casinos, liquor stores "Why do we want to close tahfiz schools that produce well-educated students?" He asked the question and opined that Zainuddin's statement is an aggression against Islam and Malay culture that have their positions enshrined in the Federal Constitution

In the past, PINTA has helped tahfiz schools in trouble with the government's financial aid, and the Coalition also recommends more schools to implement the DPTN in their school curriculum.

Zahid admits that there are some schools that are struggling financially and who even resort to sending their students to public places and asking for public donations, but he insists that these cases are rare.

"There are some schools that ask for donations in this way. it can not be considered representative of hundreds of other well-run schools.

"Many tahfiz government schools are well managed and well funded in accordance with the national education system, where tahfiz courses are taught as part of the standard curriculum, and they can easily resume their studies in the country. tertiary education like other students

"Meanwhile, private schools of tahfiz registered with the government will continue to monitor their programs. The Ministry of Education must ensure the quality of their education for students, "he explains.

Nowadays, PINTA asks all new tahfiz schools to provide an education or professional training to complete the memorization of the Koran by students. Zahid says that all tahfiz students will not be able to memorize the whole Quran after graduation.

"It is impossible to expect all tahfiz schoolchildren to memorize the whole Quran, so with SPM certification or professional training, students who do not achieve the objectives of memorization will benefit from a support certification allowing them to pursue studies or jobs outside Islamic agencies.

"With DPTN, the goal of tahfiz schools should no longer be intended to produce students who memorize the Qur'an, but also those who can contribute greatly to society in various sectors. "

PINTA also works with tertiary institutions such as Sultan Idris University" We hope that the current government will continue to previous administration's commitment to take care of the welfare and development of tahfiz schools, "said Zahid

500,000 students enrolled in school In the country's tahfiz, a closure could be devastating not only for students and parents, but also for the nation and its development.


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