BAU: Catherine Janet Tiwi's grandfather, who perished in a fire at SK Batu Bungan in Mulu on Wednesday, says that he breaks down whenever he looks his photograph.
Simon Jugei [19659002] Simon Jugei says that he has also barely eaten since he was informed of Catherine's death, and that he even wanted to "follow her" in the afterlife. "19659005" Yesterday again, a villager came to see me. "I asked him" Who? "and when he told me that it was Catherine, I almost fainted and I did not stop crying," he told the Borneo Post, between two sobs, when he met Kampung Skio yesterday before the arrival of Catherine de Miri's remains.
He described Catherine as a "very respectful" person who never failed to greet the villagers, especially the elders and the religious, when she returned.
According to Simon, her granddaughter did not show any strange behavior when she came back during the last school holidays except the day before her return.
"After dinner that day, she sat quietly alone at the table – which was a bit unusual – and seemed to be in deep thought," he said.
Meanwhile, Catherine's grandmother, Sendi Abu, was struggling to keep her cool when she talked about her granddaughter who died
would come to my house and tell me to dress up . When I asked her "Why?" She said, "To eat at Bau's, of course!" Said Sendi.
According to Sendi, Catherine had told her that she was planning to get engaged with her boyfriend to "Her boyfriend is here," she said pointing to the kitchen. "But I think he's in need of intimacy now." During the interview, Catherine's younger brother, Aldrige Clement, a soldier serving on the peninsula. Malaysia came home after returning here
Peter Nios
Sabrine Mentree
His uncle, Peter Nios, said it was best not to interview Aldrige because "he does not know can -be not exactly what happened "
Meanwhile, school friend Sabrina Metree said that she and Catherine had met in Bung Jagoi on July 20 when he was back, adding that she could hardly believe it would be their last meeting.
she for a while. We were so happy to meet and catch up with each other, and it never occurred to me that such a tragedy could happen to him. "
Kampung Skio's guide, Aboi Turan, said that Catherine was very close to everyone – village, respectful of everyone and very helpful.
" She was a very active person. Very religious and friendly to everyone, whether they are young or old. "
The mourning family members await the arrival of the remains of Catherine de Miri