China, Russia, and Iran lead cyber threats, US reports say – Tech News


China, Russia, and Iran pose the biggest threats of computer attacks aimed at spying on US companies and stealing their trade secrets, according to a report by the Office of the National Intelligence Director. According to the 20-page report compiled by the bureau's National Counterintelligence and Security Center, the three countries have conducted sophisticated, large-scale hacking attacks in several US industries, targeting networks of technical and industrial subcontractors. military contractors and utilities. "Our economic security is our national security," said William Evanina, director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, at a news briefing on July 26. "We can not help but steal our intellectual property and our trade secrets. "

There is no sign that cyber thefts are going to stop.

" We expect that China, Russia and Iran will remain aggressive and capable collectors. 39, information and sensitive US economic technologies, especially in cyberspace, "said the intelligence center in his report." All will certainly continue to deploy significant resources and a wide range of tactics to acquire intellectual property and proprietary information. "

A new threat is that hackers infiltrate corporate networks during code writing, allowing hackers to insert malware into the code as soon as possible. beginning which will remain as it is used by consumers and updated.


Pirates of the Russian government have compromised dozens of energy companies America ines in 2017, including their operational networks, according to the report. "Russia's threat to US technology will continue over the next few years as Moscow tries to support an economy with rampant corruption, state control and loss of talent abroad" said the counter-intelligence center.


Most Chinese Cyber ​​Attacks Against US Industry Focused on Defense and Technology and Communication Enterprises "whose Products and Services Support Governmental and Private Networks of the whole world".

China reached an agreement with the United States in 2015 to put an end to digital economic espionage. China's attacks have declined since then but continue, said the counter-intelligence center.


Iran is described as a significant turning point in 2017 towards the targeting of US networks, as it seeks to develop non-oil-related industries.

"We believe that Iran will continue to work to penetrate US networks for the purpose of economic or industrial espionage," according to the report. "The Iranian economy – still heavily driven by oil revenues – will depend on the growth of non-oil industries, and we hope Iran will continue to exploit cyberspace to gain benefits in these industries."

will continue to allow hackers to insert malicious code into US networks.

In addition, new laws put in place by other countries could force US companies to submit their software code for security reviews or to store their data locally in the host country.

"A series of other potentially disruptive threats deserve attention," said the counter-intelligence agency. "Cyber ​​threats will continue to evolve with technological advances in the global information environment." – Bloomberg

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